Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
do you think SL, because you're capable of making yourself look like your ideal vision, makes everyone conceited by definition?
latest #12
Scarp Godenot
12 years ago
Maybe not conceited but there is a LOT of staring at one's own avatar going around.... heh
12 years ago
that does make you wonder about a large proportion of people then... (thinking) ... now I feel all hideously shallow'n'stuff
12 years ago
Yes, it's a more idealized version & therefore people can be a little more judgemental...however, we are no more conceited/vain than we are
12 years ago
in real life. That's why SL appeals to us. We can be someone else, this vision of how we wish to be seen.
Jett Roxan says
12 years ago
I see a lot of self expression. Peoples personalities come out in their looks for sure
12 years ago
Not gonna lie, i'd totally fuck myself.
12 years ago
Jett Roxan says
12 years ago
Some are conceited, some are humble. You can usually tell who is who ( not always) lol
Harbinger says
12 years ago
i think the internet does that
Praxis thinks
12 years ago
there is a range and it depends on how one relates to one's avatar. Some use their avs as an idealized self while others see it as...
12 years ago
a vessel to be in SL. The latter connect less emotionally with their av while the former strongly do.
12 years ago
If you connect in that way with your av, there is usually some vanity.
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