As someone who dips into the romance genre ... personally, I find I like the books with the covers of women in gorgeous gowns.
Now, other people have issues with "only half of the woman's head is showing", but I'm more than happy to focus on the dress.
If there is a 1/4-half naked man on a cover I otherwise like ... I tend to forget or ignore him.
Haha - I wanna write one, too! It'd be pretty sexy, though.
In fact, have you seen my naughty Klaus piece entitled 'Just Once', Neb? Ahem. It's not PG, alas.
oy veh! You have me rolling here. These artists could learn from other advertising...
I like the nice gowns, too. The only time I don't like them is when the period of the gown doesn't match the story, but I'm really picky.