Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
I knocked over a candle that I'd had lit for about four hours. I managed to get the wax out of the carpet before it dried
latest #8
Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
but the oil seeped in, so the house has a permanent strawberry smell.
Praxis says
12 years ago
but I thought you were good at wax off!
12 years ago
i'm glad you still have a house ! candles have instructions and they say don't burn for more than 2 hours !!
12 years ago
It's this diamond candle, where there's a ring inside. I want my ring, dammit!
12 years ago
Oh god, not you too. I've got one burning in the other room because of the lady here wanting that shit. Whole house smells like baby powder.
12 years ago
make sure not to knock it over!
Harbinger says
12 years ago
I recommend a saw
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