Colonnello has
13 years ago
talked to Iemetsu today. Everything is in place, kora.
latest #35
13 years ago
raises a hand. You're supposed to hit it.
13 years ago
It's called a high five, Daemon and yes he will gladly complete it.
Daemon says
13 years ago
Good going. How'd the invitation turn out?
Colonnello says
13 years ago
.......... Passable, kora.
13 years ago
smirks and claps him on the back. "It'll get easier."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
I doubt that, kora /chuckles/ But then... I wouldn't expect anything else.
13 years ago
grins, shrugging. "Good point. But she might start to cooperate, who knows?"
Colonnello says
13 years ago
...... Why is the idea of being around Lal an awful lot like breaking a horse, kora? /-.-;;;/
13 years ago
fights a snicker before dissolving into a full-on guffaw, holding his chest as if it would burst with mirth.
Daemon says
13 years ago
Whip her tame, man!
13 years ago
/oh my god NO; looks around him like he is suspicious that she is going to hear this conversation..... and murder him before their 'date'/
13 years ago
just grins at him. "She's already whipped you, after all."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
You'd be a complete moron to ever not be afraid of that woman, kora. Plus, she's my teacher. You have to show your teachers respect.
13 years ago
nods, twirling a piece of his hair round a finger. "Of course. But you'd be a completer moron not to step up."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
First words out of my mouth when I met her was blatantly flirting with her /rolls his wrist/ To which she quickly laid me out for.
13 years ago
chuckles. "Well, at least she didn't just kill you."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
..... Good point. Though she wasnt exactly light about it, kora /laughs/
Daemon says
13 years ago
You were a trainee. If she didn't kill you, she was going light, no?
Colonnello says
13 years ago
Lal doesn't have a... light side, kora. /thoughtful/
Daemon gives
13 years ago
him a wry look. "I bet she does."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
I was talking more about her disciplining side, kora /laughs/
Colonnello says
13 years ago
I know she is a sap.
13 years ago
waves his hand carelessly. "Well, I suppose. Hm? A sap?" He arches an eyebrow. "Do tell."
13 years ago
/waves his hand/ Oh no. Those things I keep to myself, kora. That's my hard work paying off.
13 years ago
snorts but nods. "Fair enough." After all, he wouldn't explain Alaude's nuances. "Good luck on the dinner. Chosen the ring?"
Colonnello says
13 years ago
I think so. Now the task will be to give it to her, kora /there is that pesky 'cant be remotely romantic' clause she nailed him with.../
Daemon says
13 years ago
Give it to her afterwards if you think it'll make things uncomfortable. /simply/
13 years ago
snaps his fingers and grins. "If I give it to her after, she'd have to take it, kora. The date would be 'over' then."
13 years ago
hums approvingly. "And then maybe there'll be dessert." Innocent whistle.
Colonnello says
13 years ago
...... Yeah, i doubt that, kora /as much as he wouldnt protest!/
13 years ago
can't help but snicker. "You can hope."
Colonnello says
13 years ago
That i can.
Daemon thinks
13 years ago
he's going to want details after that night =u=
Colonnello will
13 years ago
if there are any details to give.
13 years ago
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