Rome is
12 years ago
enjoying a nice cup of red wine as he overlooks the stars on this beautiful night.
latest #48
12 years ago
stares, eyebrow twitching. :| He wasn't above kicking an old man's arse.
12 years ago
can sense him behind him and glances over his shoulder. He smiles at him and raises his glass towards him before taking a very long
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sip. "You've grown into yourself." He points out without looking back at him. "You look less awkward. It's definitely a better look."
12 years ago
lips stay in a straight line as he makes his way around to look the other in the eye. 'What are you doing back?' he asks.
12 years ago
glances up lazily to meet the Scots gaze. "It was time to come home and check up on Romano and Veneziano." He smiles lightly unfazed by the
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others clear displeasure.
12 years ago
grunts. He can't really deny the kids a father figure... but it's very tempting to strangle the other when he's looking like a self assured_
12 years ago
git. 'They're doing fine without you. Everyone is.'
12 years ago
chuckles lightly. "I'm sure they are but la familia e molto importante. You should know this." He doesn't think the Scot has it in him to
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strangle him.
12 years ago
had it in him to stop Rome from invading his country, he could handle a simple strangling of an old geezer. 'Yes. That's why I wouldn't_
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leave them for centuries on end.'
12 years ago
's gaze turns back to the stars. "I don't regret leaving them. I was always close enough if they ever needed my help but they grew up
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wonderfully." His gaze turns back to Scotland as he pats the spot beside him beckoning him to sit down.
12 years ago
isn't going to sit down like an obedient little kid. He didn't have to in the past, and he wasn't going to start now. He raises an eyebrow,_
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waiting for the other to clue in.
12 years ago
lets his hand drop and shrugs lightly. "Suite yourself." He grabs the bottle of wine and an extra glass. "Some wine in that case?"
12 years ago
shakes his head. He didn't want to play house with Rome. 'You've not got a country. What are you going to do about it?'
12 years ago
chuckles lightly at that. " I never had a country, I had an empire and that empire still lives."
12 years ago
makes a face, 'No it doesn't. Sure you heavily influenced a lot of countries around today, but you don't have any claim to them.'
12 years ago
can't help but smile at that. "You're right, I have no political claim to them anymore, but I'm still an important part of this time
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era, historical wise. The amount of people that study me is enough to keep me here and I'm also the one thing keeping my grandsons
12 years ago
12 years ago
smirks, 'Than enough people study your humiliation. Being unable to win against a 'backward' nation.' He hums, 'They called me the_
12 years ago
untameable North, you know.'
12 years ago
laughs at that. "You seem so proud. If you were so untameable its a pity you're monarch is that of Englands'. I would have thought you would
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be fully independent by now." He points out with that same childish smile of his. "However, you weren't my downfall."
12 years ago
smile turns sharp, 'As long as you stayed the fuck away from me I didn't care if you were around or not.' He doesn't react to the jab about_
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his independence. A Scottish monarch had actually brought it about, unfortunately.
12 years ago
finally glances back up at him. "Then why are you so bothered right now?"
12 years ago
scowls, 'Because I don't know what you're up to... and I don't want you to mess with other countries an' all.'
Rome gives
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him a small smile. "I'm not up to anything." He says simply as he leans back on his elbows.
12 years ago
doesn't believe him, if the huffy face he has going on is any indication. As he puffs out a cheek, he doesn't quite realise just how much of
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his childish side Rome can coax out. 'Whatever.'
12 years ago
laughs as he notices this. "Maybe you haven't changed at all." He says as he grabs the bowl of grapes he'd been eating out of to offer one
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to Scotland. "Grapes?"
12 years ago
bristles at the sound of his laughter, 'No. Who knows where they have been?' :|
12 years ago
blinks. "They've been in this bowl...and before that in a bag and before that at the farmers market."
12 years ago
's eyebrow twitches. 'Well... No.' Very childish.
12 years ago
frowns. "I think I would know. I did buy them and wash them...I guess if you're talking before the farmer market well they would have been
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in a tree."
12 years ago
grimaces, 'I'm not eating them.'
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shrugs and pops one in his mouth. "They're very sweet and good." He says simply as if that knowledge would convince him.
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isn't a child. No matter how much he acts like one. 'If I want grapes I'll buy 'em.'
12 years ago
gasps. "But these are free!" He seems shocked that someone would pass out on something that is free.
12 years ago
replies, 'But they're being given out by you. It always comes with a price.'
12 years ago
"Only the price of democracy, education and civilization."
12 years ago
makes a face, 'Look where that's got us? We're screwing over the planet slowly but surely.'
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