12 years ago
my karma is on the upswing again. I thought I'd left behind my karma worries a year ago. sigh
latest #8
Harbinger says
12 years ago
I just put mine I. vacation freeze and stopped worrying about it
Harbinger says
12 years ago
stupid iPhone keyboard
12 years ago
I was in vacation freeze at 100.01. Then they penalized me with a .25 loss for overplurking. So here I grind again.
12 years ago
they penalized you while frozen? didn´t know that could happen. evil plurk.
12 years ago
over... overplurking?! i had my karma frozen for months and i plurked like mad. like mad, i tell you! they never did that to me. :-(
12 years ago
I didn't think it was possible either! I'm very upset over this!
12 years ago
The day they claim I overplurked, I was quite quiet. So I don't get it. :-(
12 years ago
i think that was the same day they started losing their bloody mind in general.
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