Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
Hunger Games questions. Spoilers inside...
latest #38
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
ok, Cinna mentioned originally that he picked 12. Did he see something in Katniss, by her volunteering, that knew he could use to spur on
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
the resistance? Was she a pawn in the whole game from the beginning?
Ori0n says
12 years ago
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
And the last book was horrible. She stopped being any sort of hero and only acted when she was manipulated into action, for the most part.
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
I expected and hoped she'd take on her role as a resistance leader, but instead she just wallowed in depression. But I started to wonder,
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
was this on purpose? Sort of a metaphor that the hunger games were still in effect? No matter what, she was somehow being controlled?
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
And what was with the whole ending? It seemed to kind of be this cop-out. Like Collins was running out of time, so instead of any sort of
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
explanation as to what's going on, she just sits in her room for weeks on end until they say, "ok, you're free. Go home and don't come back"
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
That sort of ties into my previous question about maybe it was on purpose, to show she's never in control. But I wondered if anyone else had
Old-Gen-Wrong! asks
12 years ago
that take. Like she even married Peeta by default. And has kids cause he wants them.
12 years ago
Yeah, I thought Gale was better for her in the long run. I kinda wished they'd killed off Peeta, though that whole story line bothered me
12 years ago
too. It felt like she had this notion on how to finish the book with "You love me. Real or not real." then made a story to build up to it.
12 years ago
But yes, Gale's departure was weak. And Finnick's death was weak. Just kinda, "oh, he's gone now."
12 years ago
I kind of even hoped for some sort of grand surprise where both Snow and Coin were in on things from the start, just to manipulate everyone.
12 years ago
But even that didn't really get fleshed out. Just that they were pretty similar and Coin is bad.
Jett Roxan
12 years ago
katalystical is reading this right now... told me about it this morning
Jett Roxan
12 years ago
katalystical informed me that shes not reading this post cuz it has spoilers mwwaaahha
Jett Roxan
12 years ago
Kat: lol
well, I'm not looking dammit!
12 years ago
The more I think on it, I feel like Snow knew he was dying. They made mention of the poisons. So it would've been interesting to have had
12 years ago
the whole rebellion his plan from the start. Coin was so like him. The whole thing could've been this staged rising to overflow Snow, just
12 years ago
to keep things as they've always been. Cause Snow is that controlling, even in death. They even sort of tied things together with the
12 years ago
bringing up of one more Hunger Game for revenge. But that didn't go anywhere either. I'd have loved to at least even see at that point
12 years ago
for Katniss to kill Coin, Snow dies, both fail. And she finally takes her place to lead the people.
12 years ago
So many directions, but nothing but the "woe is me" path was chosen.
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