Sagey Girl says
12 years ago
i'm sure this was already talked about since it happened 2 days ago.. but OMGOSHNESS!!! what on earth Glee?!
latest #9
I KNOW!!!!
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
yah, and no more episodes til April 10.. i wonder what's gonna happen? so many speculations. Quinn dies, Quinn has to be in a wheel chair...
i dont want her to die. i rather her be paralyzed
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
yah, but anything could happen considering that supposedly this is the last season she, Rachel, Finn and Kurt are on the show.
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
i wonder why, if it's her last season, and i think it was the season finally, although there's another episode 4/10, Sue would put her on
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
the squad again? I suppose so it seems like everything was going right for her again.
yeah. guess well have to wait !
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
yups! ughh.. wait?!
Sagey Girl
12 years ago
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