Old-Gen-Wrong! says
12 years ago
well hell, I guess I plurked too much yesterday. Now I've got to work for another month to get back to 100!
latest #13
Ori0n says
12 years ago
that'll learn ya to be socially interactive ;-)
12 years ago
honestly I thought I was pretty quiet yesterday, so it's a bit confusing.
12 years ago
that's unfortunate
Michelle is
12 years ago
confused !! You're too quiet !!
Laslo says
12 years ago
Can you plurk too much?
12 years ago
Apparently. I'm rather upset about it.
12 years ago
I know I've plurked more on other days. I'm not sure what went wrong.
12 years ago
they were vicious about it too. oddly I missed a day plurking and they didn't do the usual penalty. Rule change?
Jett Roxan
12 years ago
yep.. your just gonna need to do some nsfw posts to get it back up right?
12 years ago
there was downtime yesterday too Loki. I find that generally affects the penalties.
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