And today I finished sobbing, screaming and tearing my hair out.
gdi, sai King. You are cruel.
I wish I had stopped when he said to. I almost, almost did. But I couldn't bring myself not to finish this journey with Roland,
who I have come to love so much and so dearly.
But, of course, I did not finish it at all.
This is the most tragic tragedy ever written.
Also, I don't feel like I fully understood why the Tower was just for Roland. It was supposed to be for the whole world.
And everyone fucking died! I can't deal with that many sadnesses!
And I felt like Patrick Danville was too last-minute, to Deus ex Machina, to bring down the Crimson King.
There were flaws in the story, yes.
But I love Roland, and I love Susannah, and I love Eddie, and I love Jake, and I love Oy.
And I wept when at last, at least, he sang all their names.
Because they were magnificent.
OOOH, THAT END. I didn't like it at first too; it's a HEART-WRENCHING MASS OF HIDEOUS PAIN. T_T
BUT. There is a chance that it could be better next time around! That's what I like about it. It's not over, and it doesn't have to end that
And King is all like "now don't write me any nasty letters"
I know, but... he went through so much.
I think it means Roland has many chances to make things right. I'm all about chances.
But he did make things right! This time! He gave his whole family their happy ending.
T_T I can't remember exactly everything, but I still ended up with a sense of hope. I want to read it all again now, though!
And there is another book coming! I did not expect that, and am not sure what it will be like!
King says it's good for people who are new to the series as well as veterans, so I am worried it will just be a side-story rather
than the Roland-redemption I am craving.
I have been combing the internet for fanarts, but none of it is happy.
Aw, no, not really, is it?
I mean, there is some pretty stuff of the ka-tet together, but that doesn't really help the ending.
Also I get angry at the way everyone draws Susannah with tan skin and Caucasian hair. Hello, she's black.
Yeah. I like to think eventually he got to have a happy ending too. It'd be like attaining nirvana; one perfect time it'd all work out
I have not seen this art of Susannah and do not want to, if she is not black in it. :/
Yeah, but I think. I can't figure out where it could happen?
Could he have gone with Susannah to the world where Eddie and Jake are the Toren brothers?
No, because he can't give up the tower, and that would have left Mordred alive.
He had to be there to save the Beam and keeps all the worlds from dying.
I dunno when it could happen. I feel like it should be really early on somehow, like super early he could do something that would change
If it was before Susannah ever got pregnant, then there would be no Mordred.
I need to re-read, though; I can't remember a lot. ^.^;
But then there would be no Jake, idk.
I want him to be with Jake more than anything.
Aw, Jake. <3 I love Jake!
Jake is amazing, especially for a kid.
Also, I totally love the idea of Eddie and Jake being brothers, but it's way too easy to take the family metaphor too far here.
And it gets kinda incestuous. :/
^.^ Aw, that is adorable! They're all a family in a sense anyway, though, even so. <3
Yeah. I feel like they should all live together in a happy, uneventful retirement as a 'family group' without needing to define
most of the individual relationships within that group.
Best end. ^.^ Let's have that be the true eventual end.
Okay, so next time Roland goes through, the horn saves him. And he gets Patrick to draw him Susannah's door again.
And he goes through it and it's only been an hour in their time and they're still sitting in the park.
And he kind of approaches them and Eddie startles and Roland is all "ohshit"
And Jake is, like, staring at him and Susannah looks up and just grabs him.
And then they take him home.
And they have a rotation in the evenings, because Susannah and Eddie and Jake all insist on listening to different eras of music
and Roland just wants to sing campfire songs/teach Jake to commala.
XDD oh god, that is so sweet and cute!
And they go to get their firearm licences all together!
And Eddie finds them a shooting range to go to every weekend!
/gets overinvested like woah.
And now I must trawl the internet for fic.
^.^ I hope there is good fic! I haven't actually looked!!