(( Oh yes, please. )) is sitting out in his garden, drinking tea in an eight degrees Celsius weather and all ready for her to tease.
grins and pounds on his door for a moment before she peaks around his house, realizing the man is out in his garden like a silly man. "Oh
looked up when he hears the voice. He furrowed his eyebrows a little and watched her approach in caution. People never find him, and when_
_they do, it was for no good intentions. "Good afternoon, Miss Alicia. What is the purpose of your visit today?"
him a sweet smile. "Aw you're so cute havin' like a tea party out here aren't ya?" She still struts over, finding a spot to sit with him.
| There was a chair right across the table from where England sat. He sputtered a little, "I am just having tea. Anything with the word_
_'party' in it is just complete bollocks."
grins at him and reaches across the table to pat his hand. "I think tea parties are fun," is all she says in response to that. "I brought
you a present but I also have a question about that present~"
's scowl deepened. Of course there was going to be a catch to that 'present'; if it could be called that. It was more of a trade than_
_anything, or a bribe for a favour. "... What?"
smiles at him and takes his hand, pulling it over and careful to keep the thing out of sight, she slips it into his fingers before sliding
his hand back. She waits until he has opened it and looked at it before she says, "I wanted to know exactly how big 'Ben' was~"
's eyes widened when he saw what it was. "Wh-What in the bloody hell...!" he yelled in exasperation, cheeks painted an embarrassing shade_
_of deep red. "So, is that what you are here for? To tease me?!"
smiles at him and shakes her head. "No definitely not to tease. Just to you know, ask. For curiousity's sake." She looks down pointedly and
hums. "Just a polite question."
huffed indignantly, feeling very much insulted. Uncomfortable with her scrutinization, he shifted a little, hoping that she would look_
_away. "I will never be able to fathom how you could see that as a polite question, and I am very much insulted that you even needed to_
_ask--" He puffed up his chest a little. "Of course it's big!"
arches a brow and leans over a little, giving him the most devious little smirk. "It's completely polite. Just a question about your
anatomy." She leans toward him. "I never said it was small. I asked you how big it was exactly~!"
frowned. Well, in a way, she wasn't wrong but still, the part she was asking about is completely inappropriate! "Big! Huge! Ginormous!" A_
_pause. "I am great in bed!" Well, his mouth had been a little too quick. Blame it on his pride.
arches a brow and hums a little, eyes looking down his body again. "Really? Mind if I check?" Now she was mostly just being a jerk. As if
she'd actually grab someone's penis.... well nevermind she might actually if the situation called for it. "Are you that great in bed *
"As a matter of fact..." he hummed, feigning a look of thought before glaring at her. "Yes, I do mind!" At her next question, he huffed,_
_"O-Of course, I am! Bloody fantastic, even! Now if you'd excuse me, I need to refill my tea." he said, making a move to stand up while_
_holding his cup. It was just an excuse to get away, really; his cup was still half-full.
grins at him. "Ahhhh come on Iggy, just a lil squeeze. If it's so nice maybe I'll get me a nice dildo that size," Except ew she'd never
get something because it was like either of the England's but it was a good taunt regardless. She just hops up with him and starts to follow
him. "I wonder if you are really," she muses with a hum. "Not better than me I bet."
(( Oh my gosh. That picture XD It would be funny if it happens when--... /shot ))
"For one, please stop calling me by that horrid nickname." Why did the Japans have to teach the Americas such strange things? "And I am_
_not letting you anywhere near my parts. It isn't appropriate, considering that we both have commitment to our lovers." Well, he wouldn't_
_let her touch them even if they don't. And if she wasn't careful, she might just squash them with her idiot strength. His balls isn't made_
_of metal like Big Ben, you know. "Of course I am! And better than you! Or anyone, for that matter!"
laughs at this and slides her arm through his. "Artie then," she says. "But Artie, touchin' your balls or your dick isn't cheatin, it's just
coppin' a feel. You're being ridiculous." She looks up at him and arches a brow, giving him a smirk. "I don't believe that even for a minute
though you know. You wouldn't be able to please me or my little girlfriend."
nearly spilt his tea at the movement. Frown deepening, he tried to steady his arm and continued towards the house. At the second nickname,_
_he groaned and mumbled to himself, "Just what is it about calling me either England or Arthur that is so hard?" He then shook his head._
_"It just wouldn't feel right." He opens the door and steps aside for her to enter first. "Hah, well, then you are very wrong indeed. I_
_will be able to please both you and your girlfriend." He was a firm believer that he was great in bed.
smiles up at him, her expression more than a tad bit wicked. "Those names really are too hard. Artie suits you much better," she comments on
his little murmur. She walks into his house and folds her arms under her breasts. "It's not that much different from like watching porn or
something like that so I don't see the big deal." She arches a brow and looks him up and down then smirks. "No, I don't think so. You're not
pretty sure she was only here to tease him now, if the expression on her face was anything to go by. He doesn't see how Arthur and England_
_could be any harder to pronounce than Artie, seeing that they were all two syllables. He decided to let it slide, certain that she_
_wouldn't listen anyway. He stepped in after her and left the door open. He wasn't interested but his eyes couldn't exactly help going to_
_her chest when it was put out like that. "I suppose then we have a very different way of seeing things." he concluded and walked towards_
_kitchen. He scoffed at her remark, "Doesn't mean I can't please."
laughs at this almost devilishly. "Oh well I guess we will." She follows after him. "DO you have cocoa please? Are you
going to put that condom to good use?"
furrowed his eyebrows a little and opened the cupboard for the bag of cocoa powder he kept for when America is over. At her question, he_
_turned red. "O-Of course not! I am ch-chucking that right into the dustbin!"
watches him find the cocoa and hums but at his outburst she straightens and gives him a positively withering look. "You're gonna throw it
away like that even though I took the time and went outta my way to buy it and bring it too you???"
placed the bag onto the counter and briefly looked at her. Wrong decision. "That look is not going to work on me." Well, it wouldn't_
_work initially but if she kept it up, then--...
keeps her little judgemental face on, "It should work on you, you big jerk. Whatever the packaging says it's still a perfectly good condom
and I was perfectly nice enough to bring it to you."
looked almost guilty for a second. Frown deepening, he looked away and began to make a cup of cocoa for her. "Fine. In that case, thank_
smiles at this and nods, patting his back. "Thattaboy Artie. I knew you could be a good guy if you wanted to."
huffs a little at the remark. "I am a gentleman, after all." He finished preparing the cup of cocoa and held it out for her. "Here. Be_
_careful though since it's still hot."
smiles at him. "Are you really a gentleman?" she teases quietly as she gets distracted by the cup. She takes it looking pleased.
indeed one. There is no questioning about it. He can't help but smile a little at the expression on her face. "You are welcome."
cocoa! She hums softly and sips at it gingerly so she doesn't burn herself. "You're a pretty nice old bird sometimes."
's eyes widened in shock at the remark. "E-Excuse me?! I am a gentleman, not an old bird."
grins and sets her cup down at his expression and throws her arms around his shoulders to yank him down into a hug. "An old grumpy bird."
startled and flustered at the hug, already trying to shove her away. "I am none of which you have described, now do let me go!"
laughs and gets in a good tight hug before letting go. "So shy too."
huffs a little and straightens out his clothes, regaining his composure. "I was just taken by surprise."
smiles up at him and hums. "Well it was still cute huh?"
flusters, "It isn't! Now drink your damn cocoa before it gets cold!"
grins at this and nudges him. "I'm drinking, I'm drinkin." She smiles and takes a long drink of her cocoa, pleased.