[I fully read that as boobies. Idek,]
wonders 2012-02-23T06:24:52.000Z
if she wants to share? 8D
would not mind sharing at all~
grins, taking a bonbon and pressing it onto her tongue, being sure to let her fingers linger a moment too long before pulling back.
grins at her, munching on the sweet.
chuckles softly, popping another into her mouth as well, humming softly.
licks her lips happily, parting them for another/
chuckles, finishing off the one she had. She gently takes the next one in her teeth, leaning forward and silently daring Giselle to take it~
would never turn down a dare! She leans forward, gently biting into the other half and pulling back to tilt her head and let it fall into _
grins at the silly attempt, not giving her time to pull back before full on kissing her, shoving the other half of the chocolate into her
mouth and letting it melt against their tongues for a quick hot moment before pulling back, licking her lips.
blinks at that as she chews the chocolate, tasting Marianne as well. "..Sneaky." Lovi wouldn't be pleased at all. Even if it was just _
laughs delightedly. "And you fell for it, despite how obvious it was," she hums, pleased with herself.
can't help but grin "Yeeea well. I havn't been spending enough time with you. I've forgotten your tricks."
chuckles at that. "Obviously, ma cherie. You must spend more time with me, that is the only answer~"
laughs. "Of course. We need Carmen too! The Bad Touch Trio need a reunion."
nods. "Where is that woman anyways, I haven't seen her yet.."
siiiighs. "I have no idea. She'll pop up and then vanish forever."
hums at that. "She should come to see me, how rude."
grins "She should come see us! I mean, there's nobody better to hang out with."
chuckles at that. "Oui, of course! Though I must say, I have not seen nearly enough of you lately either~"
supposes so. "I know. I've been...busy, I guess. But I'll make sure to come visit more often."
smiles. "Good. I have missed you, ma belle."
grins. "Aw, missed you too."
smiles at this. "So, in the absence of our dear Spaniard, what should we do?"
hums "I'd say go find the Spaniard...but who knows where she is?"
chuckles softly. "Perhaps something more fun, then?"
thinks 2012-03-05T07:08:59.000Z
streaking is fun, but she usually has to be more drunk for that. "Like what?"
would always be up for streaking. "Hmm... I'm not sure. I would suggest something, but you have that boyfriend deal now, don't you..."
smiles a little at that. She did miss Marianne...hell, she messed women in general. "Yes, I do have Lovino. I'd suggest a threesome, but you
_know I don't share well."
laughs softly, kissing her cheek. "We could still try ma belle~ If you would like to be pleased by two at once~"
hums, watching her carefully. Lovi would be upset because Marianne was...well, France. But she was a gorgeous woman, and he'd have a hard_
_time saying no to that. "We could try..."
grins at this, trailing her fingers down Giselle's side. "Do you not miss the feel of a woman pleasing you, cherie~?"
bites her bottom lip, shifting closer. "Well...ja, but I do have Lovino...he's done lots for me. Let me tie him up when he's not really_
chuckles softly. "You wouldn't have had that problem with me," she hums, speaking low next to Giselle's ear. "But I think could convince
him, ma cherie~" she murmurs, nipping her earlobe gently.
shivers, biting back a sound. Gott, she missed Marianne so much.. "If you can convince him. But he can be stubborn like Chiara."
grins, trailing soft kisses down her neck. "We can convince him together~" she mumbles softly, fingers trailing up her thighs now.
tilts her head for her, sliding a hand into Marianne's hair. "We could..."
hums, nipping gently and kissing her neck still, fingers trailing too high to be innocent now. "Or, we could just not tell him..." she
mumbles with a grin, trying to gently push Giselle on to her back.
tries not to shudder "Nein...I can't do that to him. I don't..." Fuck, it was so appealing. "I don't do casual sex anymore...we need Lovi"
lets out a soft needy whine near her ear, pressing close to her. "Have you lost your sense of adventure, ma cherie~?"
bites her bottom lip, falling back onto the couch and tugging Marianne into her lap. "Of course not. Isn't a threesome an adventure?" _
_Well not really. She was used to fooling around with Marianne and Carmen both...
straddles her, keeping her pinned now and roaming hands working their way under her clothes. "We've done that before, don't you remember?"
doesn't think she could forget if she tried. She's getting a little too interested just thinking about it. "We have..." She missed Carmen _
_"but not with Lovi. It'll be different." She arches slightly into Marianne's touch, trying to keep all encouraging noises to a minimum.
grins at the lack of resistance, fingers trailing up her stomach gently under her shirt, kissing hotly at her
neck. "Mmm? How so..." she hums. Other than the obvious equipment difference, of course.
lets out a shuddering breath. "Because...because he's loving and slow, and" She licks her lips, trying not to gasp. "and he's my boyfriend._
I can't cheat...not on him. He's good in bed, Marianne. It'll be better with him."
slips her hands up under her bra, gently toying with her. She nips at her neck, gently threatening to leave a mark. "Are you saying I'm
not loving and slow...?" she hums, pinching gently. "How rude, ma cherie...."
bites her bottom lip, trying not to arch into her touch, but she does tilt her head to bare more neck. "No...but you know I like my sex _
_rough and preferably kinky." So Marianne let her indulge in that more often. Or..used to, rather. Before Lovi.
laughs, biting down on her neck to mark her. "Oui true~" she murmurs, shifting to pin Giselle down as she sucks on the mark now. She'd
have to be shoved off at this rate, getting too many liberties to resist now.
gasps, stifling a small groan. "No marks...shit." Lovi was going to flip shit. Unless she pasted on makeup...
merely hums in reply, moving lower and pressing the collar of Gidelle's shirt down as she trailed her lips sensuously over the skin there.
shudders, sliding a hand into blonde hair. "Marianne...I thought we'd wait for him." She isn't pushing her away though, and barely keeping_
_herself from pulling the other closer.
grins against her skin, slipping her hands into Giselle's shirt. "Well you'd better call him over right away then, since you seem unable
to resist me~" she teases, fondling her chest over her bra.
hates 2012-04-15T20:06:16.000Z
how right she is, and arches into her touch with a pleasant shiver. She digs her phone out of her pocket, dialing Lovi's number. Because she
_really doesn't want to cheat, but damn it was Marianne! It was hard resisting her.
grins at how easily she gives in curling up close to her and trailing delicate fingers over her skin while she calls.
((maybe make a new plurk to call him in?))