still wish he wasn't on my mind
no..this guy that goes to my school that doesn't know i exist
Iv tried...he ignores me...
Keep trying! No giving up!!
but...its doesnt work that way here...we are in catagories..we dont talk to people out of our catagory
iv tried talking outside of our group...i got screamed at..punched..and i left
your not making me feel any nervousness is gettin worse..
Sorry... But really, it's never gonna change unless someone tries to change it. It's bullshit to be forced apart like that.
Someone's gotta break that damn tradition, and I think you really should.
i know..come to my school and fix it!
Iv tried messaging him on my yearbook..he wont reply
i can't...i dont have classes with him anymore..i only see him in the the morning..and at lunch
Even if you just write him a random-ass note and hand it to him.
i can't do that...teachers get pissed about notes
remember..marshall county...dumb ass county
i can't message hm to much because hes ganna think im obsessed
You can still win in the end.
doubtful...if i even say something to somone about liking him...i get laughed at ...or punched
its a cruel world here at north
that...and they think im a whore and im just ganna hurt him..they assume a lot of shit...peice of advise...don't come here
No, I kinda wanna go just to tell them to go fuck themselves.
why? i don't do that because that will just make my life worse..i dnt want it worse...i want it better..thats not happening soon
Meh. If they'd try putting me in any of their damn groups, I'd tell 'em to go fuck themselves. I like having REAL friends.
It's no problem.
i guess im just ganna do a little bit of thinking..i will stay online in case you need me
Okay. hugs And good luck.
It's nothing.