Sounds like an adventure! I'm kinda envious.
The results of today's work will be shared with a vengeance when it goes live. Stay tuned...
The filming work, I mean, not the "soaking in the tub thing".
Gen, you need to come up for a visit sometime. I'll put you to work!
What did you think I'd put you to work doing?
I'm sure the chicken coop needs regular mucking
And horsies require a certain amount of shoveling too, I understand
Depends. If they're in stalls or small paddocks, yes.
Larger paddocks and small pastures are best shoveled with a tractor and large pastures don't need shoveling at all.
The manure tends to itself and just recycles into the dirt.
My parents lied!!! I coulda had a horse if we had a big enough pasture? runs off to call her mom
Momma says a suburban back yard did not qualify as a big enough pasture sigh
Hahahaha, yeah, sorry. When I say "large pasture" I mean a couple of acres.
I've been sortakinda thinking about a goat to help maintain the yard....
Goats are actually good lawn mowers, though you have to make sure they can't get to anything you DON'T want them to eat.
And it would be better to buy them in pairs because they're herd animals just like horses. Or at least have another herd animal nearby.
Has pack animals. How would I keep them away from the latexy toxic plants?
Uhhh... keep them in an enclosed area that doesn't have latexy toxic plants?
And pack animals aren't the same as herd animals. Has to be another goat or a sheep or horse or something. Goats are best, though.
Even if they're Herding dogs? That's not close enough, huh. Anyway, the point would be free-range organic mowing, so enclosed = problem.
Eeeek, especially not herding dogs! Herding dogs tend to stress livestock animals out.
And yes, you'd have to keep them enclosed away from anything you don't want them munching on.
Gemma's a friendly herding dog!
Oh well. Probably can't get a license for them in the city anyway.
I used to keep my horse at a ranch and when I was loading him up on a trailer to take him home, there was a little herding dog mix running
around loose. Not even a purebred or anything. Sweetest dog in the world! He sensed that we were trying to get my horse to do something so
he though he'd "help". He lunged forward and took a nip at Brego's ankle. Drew blood!
Herding dogs around livestock = BAD.
I mean, you can train them to stay away from the animals but there's always going to be that innate sense to "help" you herd them.
Unless of course you have a herd and you actually
need a herding dog to help you herd them.