12 years ago
[Event 1]smiles contently as he cleaned up the bar fight from yesterday night that he made short work of.
latest #99
12 years ago
dashes straight into his chest in a flurry. She was looking for her sister. She wasn't even sure if she was in the right bar though.
12 years ago
((Dmytro you get to decide if we work together or not haha didn't think of it before ))
12 years ago
((Sure, go ahead xD It'll be more exciting that way :3 ))
12 years ago
blinks in surprised at her as he stumbled back. " Are you okay?"
12 years ago
catches herself a bit on the table, blinking in surprise. She grabs his arm and straightens him up. "Oh sorry about that hun," she says,
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looking apologetic. "I was in a hurry is all."
12 years ago
nods lightly, " If I'm not mistaken, you're looking for your sister right? She's just working by the counter."
12 years ago
beams at him and taps his cheek. "You always are such a sweetie," she says approvingly. She's got a nice gash on her side that needs
12 years ago
12 years ago
noticed and chuckles faintly before getting some bandages for her. " I'm guessing that's not only reason you're here right?" He nods.
Amelia gives
12 years ago
him a broad grin, all confidence as she takes the bandages. She sits down and starts to clean herself up. "Nope. Got into a bit of a
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scuffle, act'lly."
12 years ago
got a glass of rum for her as well. " I see. You should be more careful then. I would be saddened if I lost one of my customers."
Amelia gives
12 years ago
him a delighted smile when he produced the rum. She gives him a saucy sort of wink. "I'm your favorite customer after all right?" she says,
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bright blue eyes amused as she takes the rum with a hum of thanks.
12 years ago
smiles, nodding again in agreement. " I can't say I don't disagree with that. How have your travels been lately Miss Alicia?"
12 years ago
grins at this and downs the rum, starting to patch herself up. "I'd give you what for ir you disagreed." She pauses. "It's been okay. Got a
12 years ago
coupla good bounties, so I can't complain."
12 years ago
nods and continues to clean like he did before. " I see. It's a relief now our town is safer."
12 years ago
grins at this. "Of course! I'll keep ya safe okay?" She winces a little as she hits her wound wrong but she doesn't ever lose that
12 years ago
12 years ago
helps her fix the bandages carefully and nods, " Thank you Miss Alicia. I really appreciate that."
12 years ago
smiles at this and blinks at him, leaning up to peck his cheek in thanks. "You're a real sweetheart. I'd hate for something to happen to
12 years ago
ya." Her smile is wide, affectionate.
12 years ago
adjusts his scarf and nods, " Ah, thank you. Is there anything you'll want to eat while waiting for your sister?"
12 years ago
tilts her head and taps her cheek a little. "Well sug," she says, thinking about it. "If you're offerin' me food how could I turn ya down!"
12 years ago
smiles at that, " I'm guessing the usual steak would be fine with you right?"
12 years ago
nods and gives him a lot sided smile. "You'd be guessing right. You're an angel, hun. Positively."
12 years ago
chuckles and goes to make it for her. " Give me a moment then while you take a breather."
12 years ago
nods and smiles. "Thanks!" She fidgets with her bandages a bit, pouting. At least it wasn't bad....
12 years ago
returns not long after with some more rum and the food. " Here, enjoy."
12 years ago
beams at him and moves to eat. "Oh man thank you. You're really the best guy around here, you know that?"
12 years ago
shakes his head in a humble manner, " I'm probably worse compared to most people."
12 years ago
shakes her head, expression warm. She had a soft spot for him. She wanted to adopt him or something (though to be fair, in reality she was
12 years ago
more like a stray puppy who'd been adopted by him...) "Naw, you're a great guy with a big heart. Don't sell yourself short."
12 years ago
nods, " If you say so Miss Alicia. I'm not sure if I'm worthy of that praise." He chuckled lightly.
12 years ago
sits up a bit straighter and gives him a cheeky smile. "The customer is always right huh?" she says, taking a huge bite out of her food. She
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coos in pleasure. "Ahhhhh d'lishush."
12 years ago
smiles as he watched while cleaning up. " Glad to hear that."
12 years ago
keeps eating, highly entertained by his pleasant mood. It really doesn't take her long to clean her plate, sitting back happily as she
12 years ago
finished off her alcohol.
12 years ago
glances over to her, " Would you like another glass?"
12 years ago
finishes it off and shakes her head. "Naw, that's okay. I'm good now. Thanks though."
12 years ago
nods as he started to clean up. " No problem."
12 years ago
hops up after she feels up to it. "Want me to help ya?" It was only fair really since she was a moocher.
12 years ago
shakes his head, " No, it's fine but thank you. It wouldn't be fair for a customer to work."
12 years ago
pouts and strikes a little saucy pose with her hands on her hips. "I'm practically your big sister. You should let me help."
12 years ago
sighs and nods, " Well if you insist."
12 years ago
nods and bustles close. "What can I do sir?" she asks, mock saluting him.
12 years ago
couldn't help but laugh when he saw that. " Do you mind wiping off the tables? There should be a cloth on the counter for that."
12 years ago
nods and scampers off to do so, always abound with useless energy. "Sure thing, captain!" She gets to it quickly.
12 years ago
smiles and finishes up with the dishes, " Has there been any interesting gossip lately?" He popped the question out of curiosity.
12 years ago
hums and cocks her head to the side. "D'ya mean pirate gossip or they-finally-slept-together kind of gossip?"
12 years ago
shrugs, " Both seem to be interesting."
12 years ago
laughs at this. "Well I dunno reallly. I've been mostly workin' on this one bounty and so maybe it won't be fun to hear about him." She
12 years ago
pauses thoughtfully and tries to think of other bits of gossip she'd heard but then she shrugs. "I dunno."
12 years ago
nods, " That's fine. I've been just curious lately."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about it. "If I hear something fun I'll tell you? What are you curious about!"
12 years ago
hums quietly as he stood there thinking for a moment. " Just anything interesting that other people would pay to know."
12 years ago
grins at this. "Sellin' info. I see. I can start givin' you info on other cases I'm not workin on yeah? Wouldn't want to jeopardize my own
12 years ago
bounties gettin' snatched.
12 years ago
smiles innocently, " Whatever info is fine as long as it doesn't get in your way. I gotta make a living in these times too."
12 years ago
smiles back at him obliviously. "Sure thing, sweetie pie. I don't mind helping you."
12 years ago
nods, " Thank you so much Miss Alicia. I really appreciate that."
12 years ago
shakes her head gently. "Don't thank me so much. It's the least I can do."
12 years ago
notices a few more customers and goes to take their order and returns with a curt smile. " You deserve it after all."
12 years ago
laughs at him as she finishes wiping down a table. She moves to lean up on her tip toes to peck his cheek. "Don't worry about it sweetie."
12 years ago
rubs his cheek bashfully at that as he went to complete his duties. " Once you're done, do you mind serving some rum to the table nearby?"
12 years ago
shakes her head and smiles. "Course not. I've got a charming personality too. I make for a good maid." She finishes wiping the tables as
12 years ago
quick as she can to hurry over to the customers with their drinks.
12 years ago
nods as he served up the food. " I would hire you immediately if you were ever a maid." He teased slightly.
12 years ago
smiles at him as she brings the rum over. "Just a warnin' though: I won't do none of that 'Master' stuff. Maybe Mister D if you're being
12 years ago
really nice though."
12 years ago
laughs and nods, " Don't worry, I only provide nice uniforms and a good salary."
12 years ago
laughs delightedly at this and gives him an arch expression. "How short are the skirts on those nice uniforms huh?" She nudges him.
12 years ago
raises a brow before he shrugged innocently. " As short as you would want, especially for a good tip from the patrons."
Amelia gives
12 years ago
him a delightedly scandalized expression and tugs gently on his scarf. "Oh well if it's about the tips, the shorter the better yeah?"
12 years ago
puts his hands up in defense. " It's only a suggestion."
12 years ago
grins at this and just tugs his scarf again. "Hey maybe we can get Maddie in a skirt like that you think? So she can make an extra buck. She
Amelia is
12 years ago
so shy she tends to just, you know, fade out of notice. With a nice skirt though..."
12 years ago
blinks and adjusts his scarf to breathe better. " Well, I wouldn't disagree but perhaps you should talk to Miss Madeline about it."
Amelia thinks
12 years ago
about this and realizes she might start hurting him if she keeps tugging. She lets him adjust his scarf and smiles. "Easier to ask for
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forgiveness than permission, honey. Let's put her in it and if she hates it we'll let her change!"
12 years ago
nods, " I might have a spare uniform in the back that we can fix up." He goes to retrieve it, showing it to her after.
12 years ago
follows after him. "Oh! I'll help if I can. It would be perfect. Just the thing she'd need."
12 years ago
nods and gets some of the sewing equipment. " Will this do?"
12 years ago
nods and beams. "This'll be perfect. She'll be a right doll in something like this."
12 years ago
chuckles, " You can work on it at this table since it's the slow time of the day. Not many people will be showing up until later."
12 years ago
nods at this. "I'll do it now then." She gets all settled in, starting in on the skirt to get it the perfect length. "Thanks!"
12 years ago
smiles and goes back to work to tend to the other patrons while keeping an eye on her.
12 years ago
manages to stab her fingers a few times but overall works quickly, humming to herself to get the measurements right. Her sister is about the
12 years ago
same size as her so she judges on herself.
12 years ago
glances over once he had time for a break. " How is it turning out so far?"
12 years ago
smiles at him and beckons him over. She holds it up proudly. "Will this do, d'ya think?"
12 years ago
picks up the uniform as he examined the handiwork and giving a nod of approval. " Looks good..."
12 years ago
smiles at this. "We should find Maddie and get her to try it on!"
12 years ago
nods lightly, " Can I leave that important task for you then, Miss Alicia?"
12 years ago
grins at this and nods. "Course you can! I'll go find Maddie then!"
12 years ago
chuckles before going to check on the other patrons of the tavern.
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