crap thats the only part i
:] forever no talk! how are you?
Pretty good, Workin' Partyin' and livin' fuckin' life.
if i could live life, i would! stitches kind of hold that back a lot lmao
yeah i envy you guys sometimes.....i wish i could cut loose and just live
i wouldn't know where to start though, lol
duuuude, 20 stitches on your leg kills D: rotf i cut my leg on a mountain of ice&snow when i was out jogging
rotf, it was so bad, but so funny. me and my cousin were playing on this big mountain thing down the street from her house
and we were sliding down it and my leg went into this hole and cut me really badly, and i had to pull it out and it made it deeper and
i was gushing blood and my friends uncle took me to the hospital for stitches cause i was losing to much blood rotf
hahaha, i find it funny for some reason. im so clumbsy
the most stitches i've ever head of is 14
my sister got that for punching a mirror
the most ive had is 27 when i was in 5th grade & almost lost my pinky finger.
i cut my hand on a 1/4 inch thick mirror rotf
i've slammed my finger into a car door a few times
luckily i didn't have to go to the hospital or anything
lucky you, i slammed my brothers hand in a door before.. on accident i was like 4
hahah, i get hurt badly like once a year. it's been like that since i was born rotf
im clumsy, but luckily i just get scars and stuff
but i have funny stories as to how i get them sometimes, lol
i was really excited to get online one day
so i ran up the stairs and tripped
my face hit the floor and i knocked down an aersol can (which shouldn't have been there) and it nearly exploded
and i hurt my knee in the process
thats when i realized that i have a terrible internet addiction, lol
damnnnnnnn, carpeted stairs or hard wood?
ouchhh, me and my brother used to slide down our hard wood stairs on matresses and i hit my head on the bookcase at the bottom of the stairs
ohhh that sounds like fun, lol
i used to slide down the banister when i was little
hahah thank god we never had one
i probably would have seriously injured myself
i've been hit in the face with a football, a kickball
ive been hit on the nose with a shovel...lmao
i got bored and tried to have a staring contest with my cat and she hit me in the face, lol
hahahah! my cat punches me in the face when i blow in his face