lokjunhan shares
12 years ago
latest #11
sim says
12 years ago
oh~ u alrdy watched it?
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
not yet..juz saw got ppl shared on fb
sim says
12 years ago
haha~ tat day we watched jor. :-)
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
oh..nice mah? many ppl said very touching leh
sim says
12 years ago
erm... ok lo. haha~ i think tis movie should delete the sad part... haha~
sim says
12 years ago
anyway, tis movie got point la...
sim says
12 years ago
dislike others movie ...watching until the end, no point de...
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
oh ic..seem like quite worth to watch
sim says
12 years ago
u go to see see la. haha~
sim says
12 years ago
call choimiao accompany u go. :-) coz tat day she also didnt go ma... haha~
lokjunhan says
12 years ago
en many ppl give good comment to this movie..got chance must go watch it =)
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