12 years ago
burrows under the covers. He felt horrible.
latest #23
12 years ago
let herself into his house, she had brought home made soup and a few other things.
12 years ago
hadn't realized he'd forgotten to lock the door, but he was glad.
12 years ago
went to the kitchen and set the soup on the stove so she could warm it up some. "Roderich?" she headed for his bedroom, lightly knocking on
12 years ago
the door.
12 years ago
pokes his head out from under the covers... "Come in," He calls, sniffing and sitting up, reaching for his glasses.
12 years ago
stepped in quietly, holding a small bag. "Hope you don't mind, I let myself in."
12 years ago
rubs his temples. "Think nothing of it. How are you?" He smiles at her. His head was murder at the moment.
12 years ago
shrugged a bit as she moved over to his bed, she set the bag down on the night table. "Good, I heard you were sick."
12 years ago
glances at the bag. "Well, seems you heard correctly... What's that in there?"
12 years ago
looked over at him with a smile as she pulled out a bottle of painkillers alone with a bottle of Gingerale. "Medicine, I've got soup warm-
12 years ago
ing up on the stove as well."
12 years ago
brushes a hand through his hair. "... I see. Thank you so much." He smiles. "Is it alright if I have the entire bottle of painkillers?" He-
12 years ago
12 years ago
frowned at him and shook her head. She took two of them and handed them over along with the bottle of gingerale. "Here, take this for now."
12 years ago
takes them and pops them into his mouth before drinking the gingerale. "Thank you."
12 years ago
patted him lightly on the head. "No problem. Now get some rest. I'll go get you a bowl of soup." She nodded.
12 years ago
sits back against the pillows. "Danke." He offers her a small smile.
12 years ago
returned the smile a bit as she went back to the kitchen, stirring the soup and pouring him a bowl before bringing it back up.
12 years ago
had his head tilted back against the headboard, a little drowsy.
12 years ago
set the bowl down on the night table next to him. "Just eat what you can right now." She moved to lightly touch his forehead. "Hmm..."
Austria has
12 years ago
a bit of a fever. "Thank you again." He says softly, sitting up properly again and reaching for the bowl of soup. "Did I ask how you were-
12 years ago
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as she moved the bowl to his lap. She moved a pillow behind his head and smiled. "You did."
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