You actually shop for your own groceries, kora?
Who else would buy them for me?
/tries to picture Lal with a shopping basket.... cute; shrugs/ I guess I just never really picture you sitting down for a meal, kora.
/rolls her eyes/ Of course I sit down to eat. A healthy body needs good nutrition.
You can get that on the go too, kora. I've seen you do that before.
/snaps/ What is your problem? It's not like I owe you an explanation.
/laughs/ I'm just curious, kora. It sounded like such a domestic task~
/sets her bag down calmly and then suddenly swings a punch at him/ Stop poking your head in my business!
/he steps back, her knuckles whizzing quickly by his jaw; yikes, pushed too far~/ Always so defensive, kora. it was just an observation.
/swings another punch/ Observe someone else then!
/catches this one and then pushes it away/ What is wrong with keeping an eye on you, kora?
/kicks at him/ I don't need you to keep an eye on me, that's what!
Lal, we're in a grocery store /steps back to avoid it; BE CIVIL FOR A MINUTE, WOMAN/ And I know you don't need it, kora. But I want to.
Who cares if you want to?! I don't want you to!
It is usually the proper response to be flattered when somebody cares enough to keep an eye on you, kora /smiling as always~/
/blushes/ I'm not going to be flattered if it's a brat who hits on his instructor! /she takes the grocery bag and marches off/