burghseyewife wonders
16 years ago
how much time I spend (in hours) doing laundry a week?
latest #23
CarolineFB loves
16 years ago
doing laundry.
CarolineFB is
16 years ago
aware she's odd.
BurghBaby has
16 years ago
not done laundry in years. Be jealous. Very jealous.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
BurghBaby WHAT?
BurghBaby has
16 years ago
not done laundry in years. Seriously.
BurghBaby thinks
16 years ago
Mr. Husband should have learned by now not to get all control freak on me, but he never learns.
16 years ago
last did laundry about 10 years ago, and was informed I was folding towels wrong. I'll never fold another towel again.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
WOW. I'm very, very jealous here. Husband "thinks" he helps by putting them in washer & drier.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
But he doesn't put them away. EVER.
16 years ago
Mr. H doesn't put anything away either. His stuff lives in a basket on top of the dryer and I put away all of the girl stuff around here.
BurghBaby is
16 years ago
willing to sacrifice that little bit just so long as I don't have to fold.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
Folding and putting away pretty much sucks.
16 years ago
I have hardcore control issues about how Alexis' stuff gets put away, so I don't mind that part one bit.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
I don't even know if husband would know WHERE to put nicks stuff.
douglasderda says
16 years ago
if you need extra laundry to do, I have some
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
watch it. Do you own damn laundry. :-D
BurghBaby is
16 years ago
positive Mr. H doesn't know how to put A's stuff away. That point is proven every night when he asks me where her pj's are.
BurghBaby says
16 years ago
they've been in the same place for three years now. Apparently it's hard to remember that drawer.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
sometimes I let it go for like 4 days and then I'm a complete bitch about it. OTHER people in this house can do it too!
BurghBaby has
16 years ago
to play nice since i don't actually do the washing. I'd love to bitch about the crappy folding, but it's good not to do it myself.
burghseyewife says
16 years ago
this is too funny. If I don't put it away, it gets taken out of the basket & worn that way.
BurghBaby has
16 years ago
the same thing happen. If I don't get stuff put away fast enough, he will absolutely let the kid wear wrinkly, beat-up looking clothes.
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