But I'm pretty sure you probably hate me. It's understandable.
Why do I get the feeling your exercising your ability to jump to conclusions?
It's just a major feeling...
You always think I'm angry at you though, so I'm just seeing if some grounding is needed
Oh hun, it's not you I am talking about!
I know it isn't me. I'm just saying that you have a tendency to just automatically think the most negative answer.
It's me worrying about you really
Oh well...This is the only negative thought going on right now...other than that...I'M HAPPY AS CAN BE.
I just really don't want anyone to hate me.
It doesn't matter if they do. Because fuck them if they do
I-I can't help it...L-Latvia t-took me over.
Well work on that, or I'll bring England out
Stop that stuttering this instant.
[Raises eyebrows] If you want to get anywhere, you'll make a declarative statement this instant and you'll be clear and well heard about it.
Make a declarative statement about yourself, without stuttering.
It can hardly be that hard.
Just out with something about you [snaps]
. . . Not exactly what I had in mind . .
Something about you. For example: I love to read.
[flails] I might end up going to sleep soon.
Then maybe you should sleep
Our thread in high school lol