can't believe how bad Halo3 is.
latest #7
I don't get it. Is it, like, good? What's good about it? There's no map, there's no mission, it's just, run around and shoot babbling gnomes
the multiplayer is pretty killer and as a mindless run and gun, it's good
maybe I should try multi. But rms is giving it a go now, and feeling my same disdain. Maybe the opening just blows? Aiming is near impossibl
FPS on consoles is a different beast. Not for me, that's for sure. I always thought Halo was O-VER-RAY-TED! MOH 4ever, baby! Ass clan rules!
Oh, and I haven't played it because I steer away from console FPS, but for graphics, Gears of War is supposed to be da shit.
MoH for Wii is RILLY good. I think Hoss has it. A$$ CLAN LIVES
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