Portia wishes
12 years ago
"SHE" would graduate among them but unfortunately, I have to suffer another year with her.
latest #7
Portia hopes
12 years ago
she's not my classmate next year.
12 years ago
also hopes that I will be living my life peacefully next year.
pink.zayn♥ says
12 years ago
advice: accept the fact that "she" will be there until next year.try to live with it.there could be some possibilities that "she" is the
pink.zayn♥ says
12 years ago
reason for your achievements, etc.(whoever that is) don't let "her" bring you down.
12 years ago
Starshelly: thanks! That's the best thing I've heard since...Wednesday. Who knew I could find comfort in the internet? haha how ironic.
Portia shares
12 years ago
internet caused me depression because of cyber harassment but it has also caused me comfort
pink.zayn♥ says
12 years ago
may advantages and disadvantages ung internet and you can't avoid the disadvantages (too bad) but you can treat them as your stepping stone.
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