Eddy says
12 years ago
damn it! I feel like I am in hell......
latest #9
12 years ago
and reading 瑪法達 makes me feel even worse
12 years ago
just believe the good ones! ignore the others
touchfish says
12 years ago
work trouble?
Eddy says
12 years ago
Supervisors are giving somehow unrealistic schedules.
Eddy says
12 years ago
Supervisors are giving somehow unrealistic schedules.
Beach GNC
12 years ago
of course they're going to give you unrealistic schedule, they always do
12 years ago
oh it's REAL, I told you yesterday that the due date was last week. Even thru initial conditions are not finalized by the client.
12 years ago
Addendum #8 is coming tomorrow, due day is last week, and we are already over budget. See if you can squeeze anything out of Eddie.
12 years ago
Sometimes it's also your job to give him a realistic schedule too. He might not understand all the pieces tied into a project.
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