Madeleine is
12 years ago
at a Tim Horton's, sitting cross-legged on a chair, cradling a cup of hot chocolate, and patiently reading a book for class.
latest #317
12 years ago
hovers near the counter, debating how much of a pest he would be to go over and talk to her. He was working at the moment, and may have hid
12 years ago
in the back when she first came in. Hng...maybe he'll wander over and pretend to clean or something. Yeah. "Um...hi."
12 years ago
doesn't notice that Matthew is there at first, she's just that intent on her book. But when she hears him speak, she looks up, blinking.
12 years ago
"O-oh! Matthew." Goes a little pink. "Hi... I didn't know you were here..."
12 years ago
toys with the broom he dragged over. "Oh, I, uh, usually have a shift today." Not that she would know that, but now that she does, maybe
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she'll stop in more...?
Madeleine is
12 years ago
definitely thinking along those same lines. "Oh. That's kind of cool." Working at a Tim Horton's, that sounds awesome. "I... I'm sorry
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if I'm distracting you from work." Yeeeah.
12 years ago
Pfft, work. "No, you're not, really. I mean, I can keep talking as long as I clean a bit, too." Which means that this corner will end up
12 years ago
being pristine.
12 years ago
giggles a little. "Alright, if you're sure." Smiles at him and futzes with one of her pigtails idly with one hand. "So... um... do you
12 years ago
like working here?"
12 years ago
blinks. "'s alright. They're pretty flexible and..." He was about to say he got to eat the leftover doughnuts, but thinks that
12 years ago
sounds...yeah. "Um, the food is good." Oh, right, he's sweeping. Sweep, sweep.
12 years ago
smiles. "Yeah, I really like the food here... um, and the hot chocolate." Holds up her cup as testament.
12 years ago
reflexively smiles back. "Me too. Um..." Ugh, it's really annoying how hard it is to talk to people. "...are you busy tonight?"
12 years ago
"Um..." Looks down at her book. And suddenly realizes she's sitting cross-legged on a chair and this must look silly. >///< Lowers her
12 years ago
legs quickly. "I... w-well, not really, no." ...she had most of her homework done already anyway.
12 years ago
brightens a bit more. "Okay." ....wait, wait, you need to actually do the 'follow-up' part now. "...did you want to, um, hang out or
12 years ago
12 years ago
fidgets a little. Goodness! "Yeah... I'd love to..." Ffff, now she's blushing everywhere.
Matthew has
12 years ago
pretty much used up all of his forwardness for the day. "O-okay. ...I get off around four...?"
12 years ago
smiles a bit. "...I'll be here." Fidget. "I'll, um, probably just stick around, actually... This is a big book." Gestures to the
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book she was reading.
12 years ago
nods. "Oh, right..." Wah, how is he going to be able to work at all with her here all day? Not...not that he wants to her to leave! "I'll
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let you get back to studying, then..."
12 years ago
"A-alright." Looks pleased as she takes a sip of her hot chocolate and turns her eyes back down to her book... though she glances up at him
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again with a smile a moment later.
12 years ago
lingers for another moment before retreating back to the counter with a small wave. Once he's there, his face goes red. He always
12 years ago
felt so ridiculous!
12 years ago
quickly sinds up deep in her book again, raising her legs idly to sit cross-legged once more, sipping at her hot chocolate ocassionally.
12 years ago
does his best to go about his work, but he finds himself spacing out more often. Pretty soon his lunch break rolls around and he heads back
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over to Madeleine's table with a sandwich and another hot chocolate for hey. "Um, hi again..."
12 years ago
*for her
Madeleine is
12 years ago
drawing near to the end of this book, and her hands are now rather covered with highlighter, as she's been highlighing large passages. Looks
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up, a little startled. "O-oh! ... hi..." Blushes and caps her highlighter quickly.
12 years ago
stays standing for the moment. "I'm break now. it okay if I sit here?"
12 years ago
blinks. "OH! Of course!" Hurries to clear the table, because she kind of has stuff scattered all over it.
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Once he has enough room to set his food down, he sits and tries to help a bit. "Oh, this is for you." He slides over the hot chocolate.
12 years ago
flushes a little darker. "M-merci." ...crap, the French slips out sometimes. >_< Picks up the cup once the table is clear and just hides
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behind it.
12 years ago
smiles. "I figured you'd probably run out by now..." And he would like to polite and not demolish his sandwich, but he's a teenage boy
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and hungry so he digs in.
12 years ago
"I... yes, kind of..." In fact, it had been gone for a good hour now and she had just been raising the cup to her lips to be disappointed
12 years ago
in her absent-mindedness. Feels like it would be rude to talk to him while he's eating, so she just goes quiet. ;A;
12 years ago
pauses mid-sandwich, blushing a little. Erk, that was kind of rude. "So...are you working on a paper?"
12 years ago
fidgets. "Um, pretty much. It's... w-well, it's not due for a long time, I'm only supposed to write my thoughts on the
12 years ago
first two chapters of the book, but I couldn't just read only that, so..." Trails off in embarrassment.
12 years ago
smiles at her. It was kind of cute how absorbed into her studies she was. "...I guess it's a good book, eh?"
12 years ago
nods. "Not my favorite, but... It's interesting at least." Awkward smile.
12 years ago
waits to respond as he finishes chewing. "...what do you like about it?"
12 years ago
"Well..." Thinks about that. "It's informative. And while the style is dry and difficult to get through, once you see past that, the
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wording is so eloquent and beautiful and descriptive enough that it's like you're right there." ...crap, she rambled a little. Blush.
12 years ago
tilts his head. C-cuuute. That might be the most he's heard her say in one go. "It sounds like you picked the right major."
12 years ago
goes even redder and ducks her head. "O-oue... I just... really like to read..." Hnnnn, she got really quiet through that, damn.
12 years ago
"That's nice though, isn't? Having something you like that much..." He did too, it just wasn't something he could study. :/
12 years ago
nods enthusiastically. "It is! ... I mean... it's... um, not useful, but... it's still nice." Shift, shift.
12 years ago
purses his lips. "I dunno. I think it's pretty useful." She seemed to have no problems studying, at least.
12 years ago
No, because it's better to get studying done right away, yup. Shrugs a little, tugging on one of her pigtails. "Only in certain situations."
12 years ago
tugs on the end of his sleeve. "That's true for everything, though." Blushes and hurries to explain himself. "Because, I mean, there's
12 years ago
always some situation where a skill isn't any good., vice versa too..."
12 years ago
twirls her hair a little and smiles a bit. "I guess you're right." Gosh, he's cute...
12 years ago
Eeee, she's smiling! "...I've got some movies at my place. Uh, for tonight, I mean!" Wait, they hadn't even talked about where they going or
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what they were doing. "I-if you want to come over..." Buh.
12 years ago
flusters a little. He was inviting her over? Aaaaah!! "I... w-well, I wouldn't... mind that..." Yeah, she's saying yes. >_<
12 years ago
Well, she didn't turn him down! "T-then...I'll wait for you after work?" That would be easiest, right?
12 years ago
nods, looking down at the table. "...I, um, I should probably take my books back to my dorm then." Yeah she still lives in the
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dorms. "S-so I don't get distracted."
12 years ago
smiles. "Okay, we can stop by on the way." Hee, he was more important than books! Well...for at least a few hours, anyways.
12 years ago
"Okay..!" That was a good solution, yus. Fidgets a little then looks up at him and smiles. "'ll be fun."
12 years ago
grins. "Yeah..." Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the clock and blushes. "Sorry, I have to get back to work...!"
12 years ago
blinks. "Oh! S-sorry, yeah, alright. I... um... I'll just finish this book..." Taps it lightly and smiles. "... thanks for the hot
12 years ago
12 years ago
stands. "Oh, it's not problem. Um...if you want more, you can just come find me." Is definitely offering to sneak her hot chocolate.
12 years ago
blushes, but smiles brightly. "Alright...! I will." Small wiggle.
12 years ago
smiles once more then gets back to business. He stays just about as spaced out as he was earlier, trying to remember if he left anything
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embarrassing laying out in his room that he'd need to clean up.
12 years ago
manages to get back into her reading, but... she keeps glancing up to see if she can spot Matthew and then ducking back down again,
12 years ago
12 years ago
usually stays in the back, making donuts or prepping sandwich fixings. He's too quiet for the drive-through and too unnoticeable for the
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cash register. But he always makes sure to look over and wave when he can.
12 years ago
Waaaah! This is so silly, she should just keep working... but she can't help but want to wave back to him when she can see him. ;A;
12 years ago
...and she's totally wound up with highlighter smudged on her cheeks, ugh.
12 years ago
Finally, finally his shift is done. By this point he's got flour and icing all over, but who cares? Practically bounces over to Madeleine.
12 years ago
"Ready to go? Um, hi." Whoops, got that backwards.
Madeleine has
12 years ago
kind of been watching the clock for the last half hour, though she did manage to finish her book. Gathers her
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things quickly and smiles brightly at him. "I am...! ... a-and hi." Yeah. They're both excited.
Matthew has
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his bag as well, since he pretty much had to book it (8D) over here right after class. "To your place first?" Fidget.
12 years ago
"Yeah." Hefts her bag over her shoulder with a small noise of the 'ohshit' variety. It's rather heavy. "Let's go."Shuffle towards the door.
12 years ago
reaches for her bag. "...I can carry that...!" He was kind of strong (what with the hockey and all) if he did say so himself...
12 years ago
"O-oh! No, y-you don't have to, I'm used to carrying it...!" Doesn't want to inconvenience him. >_<;;;
12 years ago
wavers, but ends up pressing on. "Really, it's okay. It looks heavy..."
12 years ago
"I...!" ... waaaah, finally yields the bag. "If... if you're sure..."
12 years ago
nods. "Mhm! It's no problem." Takes the bag and hefts it onto his shoulder. Damn...that's...a lot of books. ;A; But he's got this!
12 years ago
"Thank you..." Awkward, awkward. Tugs on her pigtails as they walk.
12 years ago
heads out and makes it about two steps before remembering he doesn't quite know where he's going. ", which way is your building?"
12 years ago
gasps. Damn, she's being extra stupid today. >_< "Th-that way, sorry." Points and... ugh, takes the lead a little...
12 years ago
does his best to stay side-by-side. Idle chit-chat time? He's terrible at it, but it's worth a shot. " have your classes been so far?"
12 years ago
"Oh, they're very nice, like always." Tugs her hair. "What about yours?"
12 years ago
readjusts her bag. "Pretty good, I guess." Gah...don't drift off there, add something! " philosophy prof is kind of weird."
12 years ago
looks up at him. "Oh? How so? ...though, that's not surprising... philosophy is kind of weird." ... small giggle.
12 years ago
smiles at her and thinks it over. "He kind of...goes off on tangents? I mean, sometimes they're interesting, but they're not very related."
12 years ago
sighs heavily. "Oh that's the worst. Because you can't really learn when they do that, can you?"
12 years ago
shrugs. "I suppose not..." He didn't particularly mind, to be honest. Like he said, sometimes it was interesting.
Madeleine is
12 years ago
very much of the opinion that teachers should be teaching what they're supposed to be teaching. "B-but, I mean..." Lifts
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her shoulders a little. "... s-so long as it's not all the time...?"
12 years ago
shakes his head. "No, he usually gets through his lecture." And now he wondered if he intentionally set aside time for tangents...huh.
12 years ago
"Well that's good at least...!" Fidget.... oh hey, there's her dorm. "Oh, it's right here..." Fumbles in her pocket for her keys to get in.
12 years ago
stands off to the side and faces away from the room. Trying not to creep in on her space.
12 years ago
takes her bag from him and unloads most of the books, keeping a select few in the bag. ... grabs her pajamas and clothes just in case...
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>///< And then slings her bag over her shoulder. "O-okay, I'm all set."
Matthew is
12 years ago
pointedly not looking into her room, so he doesn't notice any of this. Grins at her. "Let's go, then." And now he'll lead the way~!
Madeleine feels
12 years ago
much better with him leading rather than her. >_< Follows after him, a step or so behind. "...where do you live?" Curious, curious.
12 years ago
dips his head. "Just a couple blocks this way. I'm renting a house with some..." Er...friends wasn't quite right. Hm. "...roommates."
12 years ago
"Oh. That's really nice." Wistful tone~~~
12 years ago
makes a noncommittal sounds. He usually found them too intrusive for his liking, but they weren't bad people. "Yeah..."
12 years ago
may be bouncing. Just a little. "At least, nicer than the dorms. They're, um... very small."
12 years ago
blinks. "That's true..." He'd gotten so used to it, he'd forgotten what the dorms had been like freshmen year. "I don't know if it's
12 years ago
any quieter though..."
12 years ago
giggles. "I don't mind noise. I just don't like sharing such a little space with someone else..." And she kind of barely knew her roommate..
12 years ago
bites his lip. "...what if you got your own place? O-or at least somewhere you had your own room." Too forward? Ahh...she probably doesn't
12 years ago
want his advice.
12 years ago
plays with her sleeves a little. "Ah, but... I don't have money for that..." And she can't afford to get a job because of school. Buuuuh.
12 years ago
ducks his head. Right...that would make sense. "Oh..." Awkward silence. " least you only have this year left...?"
12 years ago
nods! "... well, kind of." Small giggle. "I'll be doing graduate school too. I... kind of wanna get my PhD..."
12 years ago
blinks. Wow, that's...rather impressive. "That's...really cool." And hey, here's the house! It's a bit rundown, and there's an old sofa
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sitting on the porch. Pretty much a typical college student house.
12 years ago
flushes for a moment, but then... "Oh! It's ... um... very nice." Giggles...
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just ducks his head and rubs the back of his neck. He knows it's really not great looking. "Well, um, come on in." Hopefully his roommates
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weren't around...
12 years ago
"Alright." ... hnnngh, going into a boy's house. * _ * Follows him inside, and isn't too put off by any mess. Strictly because it's not
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her living space. XD
12 years ago
The worst offender is probably the beer bottles resting on most surfaces. He flushes a little, because he's not old enough here, and some of
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those are definitely his... "Um, so we can sit out here. Or...uh, I've got a TV in my room..."
12 years ago
goes a little red at the thought of being alone in his room with him. Heee... "U-uh, whichever you think is best." NO DECISION MAKING
12 years ago
doesn't make decisions either! ...delaying tactic instead! " movies are in my room, so we can at least pick one first." OH PLEASE
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles. "That sounds like a really good start." ... bumps shoulders with him. >_> As much as she can, anyway, being shorter.
Matthew has
12 years ago
some clothes laying around and he hastily shoves them in the closet before pulling out a box os DVDs. He hands them over to Maddie. "Here,
12 years ago
your pick."
12 years ago
"Oh... um..." Crap, decisions. Looks through the DVDs... "How about... this one?" Holds up an adventure movie, idk.
12 years ago
Die Hard or something.
12 years ago
nods. "Okay." Wait, dammit, more decisions. He decides to err on the side of caution (shocking, I know). "...the TV in the living room is
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bigger." Yes, that counts as a decision.
12 years ago
fidgets a little, but smiles. "Alright. Let's watch it there then." Hugs the DVD close and heads back out.
12 years ago
smiles. "Okay." He is only familiar with the very basic TV stuff, so it takes him a minute to get it up and running. "...would you like
12 years ago
anything to drink?"
12 years ago
"Oh, no, I'm fine." Drank so much hot chocolate today. true_north_eh@
12 years ago
@ _ @ *
12 years ago
hesitantly plops on the couch. "Okay." Aw yeah, movie time~!
12 years ago
sits down next to him and... winds up sitting indian-style on the couch, leaning against him very lightly and looking excited.
12 years ago
waits until they're a decent way into the movie before casually placing an arm across her shoulders. Smoooth.
12 years ago
goes a little pink, but doesn't mind. In fact, she snuggles into him a little bit, playing with the end of one of her pigtails.
12 years ago
isn't paying much attention to the movie. And between an early class and a work shift, he starts to doze a little, resting his head
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against hers.
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as the movie starts to come to a close, she glances up at him and... "O-oh..." Covers her mouth, afraid she was too loud and woke
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him. >_< ... smiles. He's cute like this.
12 years ago
stirs, waking slowly until he realizes that he's sleeping on Madeleine. "Oh! S-sorry!" Sits up quickly, silently worrying over whether she
Matthew was
12 years ago
offended or not.
12 years ago
blinks, then sits up as well, tugging on her hair. "A-ah! No, it's alright. I... didn't mind." Blush~
12 years ago
still feels a little embarrassed by it. And he slept through most of the movie too, ugh. "" Buh, his conversation skills
12 years ago
have disappeared.
Madeleine is
12 years ago
starting to figure that he probably just wants to go back to sleep. "Um, if you're... really tired, I could just... go home, you know..."
12 years ago
mentally panics. She was thinking about leaving? ;A; "No, I'm alright, really. A-and I shouldn't go to bed this early anyways, and do you
12 years ago
want to stay for dinner?" Eeep.
12 years ago
flushes and looks a little uncertain. "If... if you want me to, I wouldn't mind staying longer." Doesn't wanna burden him thoooough.
12 years ago
bites his lip. "Well, I mean, if you're not busy...?" Yeah, he's gonna try and push the decision back on her again.
12 years ago
shakes her head a little. "I'm not." Pause... kisses his cheek quickly. "A-and I'd really like to spend more time with you."
12 years ago
blushes. O-oh. Slowly smiles. "...I can cook. Well, kind of." Well enough to feed himself, anyways.
12 years ago
smiles back. "I can help. I-if you want." Is pretty handy in a kitchen. Y'know, if someone else is in charge. >_>;;
12 years ago
nods. "Sure, if you'd like." And then they could still talk in the kitchen! He gets up and heads that direction. "Anything in particular
12 years ago
you'd like?"
Madeleine thinks
12 years ago
about it as she stands to follow him. "Um... would it be weird to have pancakes right now?" Blush
12 years ago
shakes his head. That is perfectly normal, what is she talking about? "Nope!" Smiles and starts to pull out the ingredients. Breakfast for
12 years ago
dinner was about the best thing ever.
12 years ago
smiles. Aaah, she really likes that he likes a lot of the same things she does. >w< Goes to wash her hands before helping to cook. No germs!
12 years ago
doesn't even think to wash his hands until he sees her doing so, and follows suit. Like he meant to all along, yep. >_>; Gets out a bowl and
12 years ago
time to mix!
12 years ago
(Sorry, my computer died, ugh.)
12 years ago
hands him things as he needs them. "Do you like cooking a lot?" Curious, curious.
12 years ago
hms. "Sometimes." He smiles awkwardly. "I think I like eating more, though." And since he had to bake at work, it lost a bit of interest.
12 years ago
giggles. "That makes sense...! I really like baking." Adds a little bit of nutmeg to what he's mixing up. >_>
12 years ago
smiles at her. "Yeah? What's your favorite thing to make?" And what was that she tossed it? Totally missed it.
Madeleine thinks
12 years ago
about it. "I really like making pastries. Y-you know. Like danish's... o-or cakes, even. Pies are fun too...!" In other words, everything.
12 years ago
Yeah, that doesn't really narrow it down much, but he nods. "I bet you're really good at it."
12 years ago
blushes. "Um, not... w-well, there's lots of people better at it." Ducks her head, ohgodwhy.
12 years ago
smiles. "That doesn't make you less good though, eh?" He gently bumps shoulders with her.
12 years ago
goes even darker red then quickly bumps him back. "...I... I guess so..." Mumble, mumble, awkward.
12 years ago
leans over and kisses the top of her head. And then he goes all awkward and busies himself by going to grab a pan and turn the oven on. Eep.
12 years ago
Aaack! That didn't help at all. Tries to pretend she's not shaking a little, but she kind of drops a fork that she'd been holding. Dammit!
12 years ago
Why'd she have to get all nervous?!
12 years ago
glances over when he hears the fork drop and bends over to grab. "Ah, here you go. Um...did you want to cook? I can if you don't want to..."
12 years ago
takes the fork back quickly and clutches it tightly to her chest. "O-oh, um... y-you can if you want..." Deep breaths, Madeleine. >_<
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiles and nods. "O-okay." Her nervousness is starting to make him nervous. Did he do something wrong? Either way, gets going on the
12 years ago
12 years ago
fidgets with the fork. And then realizes she should probably hunt down plates too... "Um, w-where are the plates?" Fuck, okay, still
12 years ago
12 years ago
"Oh, they're over there." He maneuvers around the pan handle to point to a cabinet. He should have remembered to tell her earlier...
12 years ago
smiles a little at him. "Merci." Goes to pull a couple of plates down. And then goes to dig around to find maple syrup. >_>
12 years ago
starts to flip the pancakes onto one of the plates. They didn't make a very big batch, so it doesn't take long. "Ta da!"
12 years ago
leans over the plate to smell the pancakes, and exhales slowly. "It smells so good! And they look wonderful too!"
12 years ago
blushes. "T-thanks..." Finishes up and puts the pan in the sink. "Um...bon appetit?"
12 years ago
puts some of the pancakes onto the second plate and holds it up. "Thank you very much, Matthew." ...kisses his cheek then goes to sit down,
12 years ago
12 years ago
Buh. Takes a moment to get some pancakes of his own and joins her. He can't think of anything to say, so he goes straight for the
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food instead.
12 years ago
makes sure to drench her pancakes in maple syrup before carefully taking a bite. "... mmmm..." Yeah, no, she still does that moaning
12 years ago
with maple thing. XD
12 years ago
whimpers and fidgets in his seat. He always managed to forget she did that... "Um, you have any midterms coming up?"
12 years ago
looks up at him and nods a little. "Just one, really. Um, most of my stuff is essays anymore. Like... massive essays." Another bite, another
12 years ago
12 years ago
Erk, stop that! "Well, um, maybe we could study together..." Since he was still mostly general ed, he had quite a few tests.
12 years ago
blinks then smiles. "I'd love to...!" Yeah, no, she's not gonna stop. The pancakes are too tasty. ;A; "Mmm..."
12 years ago
continues fidgeting and somehow manages to catapult his fork over the back of the couch. He goes bright red (because what the fuck, who
12 years ago
does that?) and scrambles to go get it. "Sorry! Um, I'm just fork. Yes." BUHHH.
12 years ago
watches him, somewhat concerned. "M-Matthew? Are you okay?" Crap, he's acting weird now, waaah.
12 years ago
hovers at the kitchen door and smiles weakly back at her. "Sorry, I'm find! Um, it's just been a long day, eh?" STOP BEING SO AWKWARD.
12 years ago
"Oh..." And there's that indicator that she should go and let him rest again. >_< "I... i-if you're tired, I can leave..." Wibble...
12 years ago
didn't mean it like that! "Eh? N-no, it's fine! And besides, I just took a nap, so..." Eeep, kind caught himself in a catch 22 here.
12 years ago
fidgets awkwardly. "If you're sure..." Doesn't sound so sure herself. WHY ARE THEY BOTH SO AWKWARD??
12 years ago
Just because. "I'm sure." He finally grabs a clean fork and returns, Okay, deep breath, calm down!
12 years ago
sits there for a moment after he sits back down and then... promptly snuggles into him, having kind of forgotten about her food for the
12 years ago
12 years ago
tenses briefly then relaxes, resting an arm around her shoulder. He's not really sure where to go from here, especially with that
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whole Lovino thing.
Madeleine is
12 years ago
quiet for a little bit, then bumps her head into his side lightly. "The pancakes are really good... thank you." ... munches a little more.
12 years ago
nods. "Thank you for helping." They seemed extra tasty to him for some reason. And even though he tried to deny it, he is kind of sleepy, so
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he rests his head against hers.
12 years ago
sighs a little when he does that, smiling softly. "Comfy?" Small giggle.
12 years ago
sits back up. "Sorry." Shoot, he knew he shouldn't assume it's okay to do stuff like that...
12 years ago
blinks and looks up at him. "...why're you sorry...?" Small baffle. She was just trying to joke with him. ;A;
12 years ago
flushes. "Sorry, I just...thought. Um.." That she was sarcastically asking him to stop? Augh, he can't say that, but he can't just go back
12 years ago
to what he was doing either.
12 years ago
"I think... maybe you're thinking a little too much." And goes rather crimson after saying that. Wow, that was cheesy, wtf???
12 years ago
ducks his head and rubs the back of his neck. "...probably." Cough. "'s getting kind of late. Did you want me to walk you back to
12 years ago
your room?" See, he's being all gentlemanly and stuff.
12 years ago
Awwwr, so he does want her to go. Looks a little bummed. "Y-you don't have to... I don't wanna be any trouble..."
12 years ago
shakes his head. "It's no trouble. Besides, I wouldn't want you to walk home alone." He thought about just asking her to stay the night, but
12 years ago
he's not sure if she's still seeing that other guy and augh. Maybe distance is best for now.
12 years ago
fidgets a little then quickly moves to give him a soft kiss. On the lips this time. "That's very nice of you, Matthew..."
Matthew thinks
12 years ago
she's making this a lot more difficult and confusing that it should be, but he smiles anyways. "I'll just grab our coats then..."
12 years ago
"A-alright." Sighs heavily after a moment, tugging on her pigtail. Damn, damn, double damn. And here she brought her pajamas for nothing...
12 years ago
grabs their coats and holds her out for her. "Here you go." He's just feeling generally disappointed.
12 years ago
fidgets again, taking her coat and hugging it tightly. Then... "I don't have to go if you don't want me to...!" Well, that came bursting out
12 years ago
in a rush, didn't it? Buuuh.
12 years ago
"Um..." Does she mean something more by that? "I don't mind if you stay..." Trying to hedge his bets a little.
12 years ago
goes very red. "I'd really like to stay... I... I feel like you're trying to kick me out and... I don't mean to be mean! I just thought
12 years ago
maybe you wanted me to stay the night w-when you asked me over earlier..." Looks away, ohgodwhy.
12 years ago
droops. "...sorry. It's not that..." He bites his lip and looks away. "I just...don't really understand what I should do." Maybe things had
12 years ago
changed? He should ask her about Lovino, shouldn't he...? "I mean...I thought you were seeing that other guy."
12 years ago
blinks, looking up at him again. "I... well, yes. Sometimes. He's... n-not around a lot." Mostly because he doesn't seem to live in any
12 years ago
one place. >_<;;
12 years ago
frowns a little. So did that mean she was still dating him or not? Rrrg, he shouldn't have been so vague, but he feels like he'd be
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pushing things if he asked her to clarify. "Then, um...I guess..." He trails off. Did she want to sleep with him? Did she want to sleep
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with him? Augh, this was too confusing! "I guess...I'll go get my pajamas on..." Oh, that was feeble. -_-;;
12 years ago
He just seems so awkward about this... ;A; And she'd been having fun before all of this silly nonsense! Grrr. She wants to be forceful
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right now, but... "O-okay." Daaaammiiiit. Goes to... dig her own pajamas out of her bag, sob.
12 years ago
gets changed and somehow finds some extra pillows and blankets as well. He'll just...kind of leave them by the bed to be used or not. "Oh,
12 years ago
um, the bathroom is just down the hall." Girls always need the bathroom, right?
Madeleine gives
12 years ago
him a small smile. "Thank you..." Goes to get changed, ohgodwhy. >_<;;;
12 years ago
pretty much assumes she is going to be a while, so he plops down on his bed and pulls out a book. Might as well get some school
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reading done.
12 years ago
takes some extra time in the bathroom to make sure she's calm. Then, when she makes her way to his bedroom, she simply sits down next to
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him and rests her head on his shoulder.
12 years ago
"Hey." He keeps on reading, but puts an arm around her waist. He wants to apologize for being weird, but the thought fades before he gets a
12 years ago
chance to. And he still has no idea what he's supposed to do.
12 years ago
nuzzles his shoulder softly. "Hey..." Wiggles a little closer, so she's like... on the verge of sitting on his lap. "What're you reading?"
12 years ago
Curious, curious.
12 years ago
moves the book closer so she can see. "It's just for class. Um, Modern Lit." He doesn't think he would have picked the book up on his own,
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but it's pretty interesting. (oh god don't ask me details, i never took a class like that. ;A; )
12 years ago
peers at it thoughtfully. "Oh, I took that class. This was a good book." Looks up at him and smiles. "What do you think of it?"
12 years ago
hms. "It's interesting. I don't know if I like it yet." Still in the early chapters, yep. Oh wait, what if she was asking because she really
12 years ago
liked it and he wasn't enthusiastic enough about it? But he can't take it back because then it wouldn't sound sincere...
12 years ago
nods a little. "I think it'll grow on you." Small wiggle. She doesn't mind if he doesn't like it. XD Seriously, Mattie, loosen up.
12 years ago
No, he will not loosen up. >:c He smiles at her. "Yeah? That's good..." He finishes up the chapter and sets the book aside. Yaaaawn.
12 years ago
watches him quietly. "Gosh, you've been tired all day." Kisses his cheek quickly. "Maybe you should sleep."
12 years ago
shakes his head. "Not all day." But yeah, pretty much from the second half of his shift onward. Nuzzles the top of her head.
12 years ago
goes a little pink. Likes the nuzzling. >///< "Okay, but... most of it..." Reaches out to hug him around the middle, burying her face in his
12 years ago
12 years ago
wraps his other arm around her and tips them over, laying back and pulling her with him. Hnnnng, comfyyyyy. "Mm, I guess so..."
12 years ago
squeaks a little as she finds herself lying down next to (or more on top of...) Matthew. And blushes deeper. "So you should sleep, oue?"
12 years ago
Snuggles into him.
Matthew is
12 years ago
definitely working on it. "Yeah..." Squirms a little to get situated, and kisses her on the forehead.
12 years ago
finds this absolutely adorable and will just kind of... lie here, snuggling him, and watching him fall asleep for a while.
12 years ago
drops off pretty quickly. This is probably the first night he's gone to sleep at a reasonable time in weeks.
12 years ago
continues to watch him for a little longer, then lays her head down on his chest and drifts off herself.
12 years ago
wakes up much earlier than he usually does, and is surprised to find another person in bed with him. Oh...right. He doesn't really want to
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wake her, so he just stays where he is.
12 years ago
snores very softly, a hand clutching onto his shirt tightly as she sleeps. She stirs a little, probably 'cause she's on the verge of waking
12 years ago
12 years ago
runs his fingers through her hair and zones out, contemplating his place in the universe. At least until his stomach growls, anyways.
12 years ago
And that's what wakes her up fully. She blinks and looks down at his stomach, then up at him, moving to rub her eyes. "... morning." Groggy.
12 years ago
blushes a little. "Good morning." Quiet, stomach! "...want some breakfast?"
12 years ago
stretches a little, rolling off of him slowly. "Breakfast sounds really nice." Giggles quietly.
Matthew is
12 years ago
usually too sleepy or hurried to make anything besides cereal, but he thinks he'll make an exception today. "Oh, do you have class today?"
12 years ago
Wouldn't want her to miss it...
12 years ago
shakes her head. "I made my schedule give me a day off in the middle of the week." Because she usually used it to do extra homework.
12 years ago
nods. "Okay." He didn't have class until later in the morning, so he was in no hurry himself. "...does French toast sound good?"
12 years ago
brightens. "Of course!" Anything that you can put maple on is good, durrr! Gets up and stretches a little more before fixing her pigtails.
12 years ago
stays lying down to stretch, then crawls out of bed. Musses her hair a little. "I'll get those started, eh?"
12 years ago
squeaks and swats at his hand. "O-oh come on, I just fixed that...!" Brushes her fingers through her hair, obviously too engrossed in
12 years ago
making it presentable. XD;;
12 years ago
That's why he did it~ Heads to the kitchen and starts pulling out ingredients. Mmm, french toast.
12 years ago
finally wind up okay with her hair and comes meandering into the kitchen and gives Matthew a big hug from behind when she spots him.
12 years ago
Cuddly this morning, yus.
12 years ago
glances over his shoulder, but keeps on working, smiling to himself. "...tired?"
12 years ago
nods, burying her face in his shirt. "Just a little... I'll be okay in a bit." Snuggle.
12 years ago
smiles to himself. "Okay." Does his best to mix everything together without jostling her too much.
12 years ago
just keeps clinging to him for now. But finally lets go, nuzzling him once more, before moving to the fridge. "Do you have juice?"
12 years ago
nods. "I should..." If not, one of his housemates might, and he'd just pay them back for it.
12 years ago
goes digging in the fridge. "Ah! You do." Smiles and pulls out some orange juice. "Do you want some?" Digging around for glasses now. >_>;;
12 years ago
glances over to see what she found. Ah, that's not his. Oh well. "Um...sure." Mix mix mix.
12 years ago
"Alright!" Aha! Finds the glasses and pulls a couple down, pouring juice into each then putting the juice away and sipping at her drink.
12 years ago
lets his juice sit until he gets the bread actually in the pan. "Thank you." Picks it up and takes a sip. ...probably going to want coffee
12 years ago
later, too.
12 years ago
goes to take a seat, cradling her juice and watching him. "Do you need any help...?" Would feel bad if he does it all and he needed help.
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