decided she wants a goldfish for a pet.
latest #12
wouldn't mind accompanying her to the pet shop... I-It would be troublesome if she went missing after all.
would like the company. Wonders if he likes pets too?
does like animals quite a bit. And unicorns.
if unicorns are really real.
tell her that they are indeed real. And very adorable, as well.
wonders 13 years ago
if she can have a unicorn as a pet instead of a fish.
need to ask the unicorns... It was to their decision.
amazed at his ability to speak to the unicorns.
pleased to see that she believes in them. They are very much real, yes. "How about we go to the forest and find them?"
looks excited. "Oh, could we!?"
"Of course we could!" He was excited as she is, if not more. He had to be careful though, about keeping her away from the fae. "Come on. I_
_know a good place." he said, holding a hand out for her to hold.
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