Elizabeta is
12 years ago
frustrated and looking for someone to punch...
latest #177
Turkey thinks
12 years ago
that punching someone is probably not the answer. If she wants she can come over and talk about it.
12 years ago
really just wants to punch someone though... she'd feel so much better afterwards.
Turkey wonders
12 years ago
what got her in such a foul state?
12 years ago
doesn't really want to talk about it... though she appreciates the thought.
12 years ago
understands and wonders if she'd want to come watch oil-wrestling with him. There's a tournament going on and it would get her mind off of
12 years ago
her frustration.
12 years ago
would love to do that, it kind of sounded pretty hot...
12 years ago
knew she'd be up for it. Who could pass up two men covered in oil trying to shove their hands down each others pants to pin them to the
12 years ago
ground, right? He'll be right over to pick her up.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
it sounds excited and she really wasn't one to resist a good show.
Turkey is
12 years ago
knocking at her door.
12 years ago
finished fixing her hair before she went to answer the door. Smiling a bit, "hey Turkey."
12 years ago
smiles at her. "Princess, you ready?"
12 years ago
nods a bit, "yeah." She still wanted to punch someone, though she had a feeling punching him was about the worst idea ever.
12 years ago
wouldn't be very pleased, that's for sure, but he wouldn't condemn her completely. He gives her a smile before leading her back to the
12 years ago
outskirts of a town with a huge field decorated in flags, stands and a squared off area for the wrestlers. He leads her to some good seats
12 years ago
so she can have the best view possible.
12 years ago
followed him contently, she couldn't help but be distracted by pretty much everything around them as they got to their seats.
12 years ago
can't blame her, it was a sight to see and when they do sit he leans back as he glances at the participants. He nudges her pointing at one
12 years ago
of the leaner but still very strong looking man. "You see him, he doesn't look like he can put up a fight but last year he really shocked
12 years ago
the crowd. Maybe he'll win this year, who knows."
12 years ago
followed to where he was pointing and hummed, "oh I can see why he would shock the crowd, never a judge a book by it's cover."
12 years ago
nods as the wrestlers, in pairs, go off to find a free area in the field and stand in front of each other. They were slick with oil and
12 years ago
determined to win.
12 years ago
leans into him a bit as she watched, "so which one are you hoping will win?"
12 years ago
grows quiet in thought as he scans over the contestants. "Hmmm, well, I was quite impressed with the guy I pointed out to you but do you see
12 years ago
him." He points at a guy with broader shoulders and a strong jaw structure. "I have a feeling he'll be the winner."
12 years ago
looks the guy over, debating before she nodded a bit, "it's possible."
12 years ago
glances down at her. "Who do you think will win?"
12 years ago
took her time to look the men over before she pointed to a taller man with a wider frame. "I'm willing to bet on him."
12 years ago
studies him and nods slowly. "Alright, what kind of bet do you want to make?"
12 years ago
glanced up at him, "hmm... I don't know, what kind of bet do you want to make?"
12 years ago
chuckles lightly. "You're the one that needs a pick me up. Whatever you like>"
12 years ago
thought for a moment, "you wouldn't want to bet what I want to bet."
12 years ago
quirks a brow interested. "I'm sure I won't mind."
12 years ago
shakes her head as she smiled, "how about we settle on dinner. Loser pays."
12 years ago
laughs. "Sure, that works. But what did you actually want to bet?"
12 years ago
grinned, "don't worry about it." She patted him on the shoulder. '
12 years ago
still wants to know but won't pry forward. "Alright, if you insist."
12 years ago
nodded as she looked over at the matches again. "
12 years ago
turns his attention back to them as well.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
actually enjoying this, she was glad he'd offered.
Turkey was
12 years ago
glad she's feeling better.
12 years ago
watched the matches, laughing a bit.
12 years ago
watches as some of the men lose and the others go to the next round. The three men pointed out earlier were still in the game, he notices.
12 years ago
noticed that as well, focusing on the one she wanted to win.
12 years ago
sits up a bit when he sees that his wrestler is going against the leaner one. He was interested to see who would come out on top.
12 years ago
shifted her attention to that match, watching carefully.
12 years ago
moves to the edge of his seat as he hunches over resting his elbows on his knees as he watches them wrestle...the match going both ways.
12 years ago
tilted her head a bit as she watched, she was sort of rooting for the leaner one.
12 years ago
knew she probably would because that would mean he owed her dinner.
12 years ago
hummed a bit as she continued to watch the two.
12 years ago
frowns...if his guy lost he'd walk out....one of them had managed to get their hand in the others pants and he knew that the match would be
12 years ago
over soon.
12 years ago
blinked at that and grinned a bit as she moved closer to the edge of her seat.
12 years ago
's expressions doesn't change as there is a turn of events and his guy manages to flip the other onto the ground pinning him and ending the
12 years ago
match. He grins and leans back in his chair relaxed. "Looks like I'm still in the game."
12 years ago
sighed dramatically as she leaned back shifting her attention to her guy, "oh so am I love."
12 years ago
smirks, it was going to be a very good tournament. "We'll see for how long."
12 years ago
sticks her tongue out at him with that before she focused on the matches again.
12 years ago
turns his attention to the last and finally round...between both their wrestlers....
12 years ago
grinned a bit as she noticed it was both of theirs that had made it into the final. "Hmm... still holding up on your guy?"
12 years ago
smirks and gives her a look. "Always. Get ready to lose." And the match begins.
12 years ago
shakes her head as she smiled, "I wont be losing."
Turkey is
12 years ago
back to sitting on the edge of his seat as he watches the match attentively.
12 years ago
focused on the match now.
Turkey is
12 years ago
curses in Turkish under his breath.
12 years ago
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
holding onto the edge of her seat as she smiled.
12 years ago
throws his hands up in the air yelling...the match would be over soon...and it wasn't looking good for him.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
super impressed with her pick as she watched, though she wasn't going to count it as win just yet.
12 years ago
, if he had been anyone else, would have closed his eyes at the evident lost but kept staring in displeasure as his wrestler gets pinned and
12 years ago
the champion is show cased to the entire area. "Well, fuck."
12 years ago
grins at that as she jumped up and looked over at him, "looks like I won!" she leaned over and kissed him on the cheek lightly.
12 years ago
crosses his arms and pouts a little. "Where did you want to go for dinner?"
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
for a moment, "oh I know the right place!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet. "Come on don't pout."
12 years ago
lets her lead him as he gets up and decides it's really not that big of a lose.
12 years ago
smiled over at him as she led him back into the city. "Thanks for that."
12 years ago
smiles back. "Yeah, no problem, princess."
12 years ago
let go of his arm to keep walking. "I guess I owe you one."
12 years ago
quirks a brow. "Not at all."
12 years ago
shakes her head, "I want to repay you. You're a good friend." She nodded.
12 years ago
shrugs. "I'm sure in time you'll return the favour."
12 years ago
smiles a bit, "of course." She nodded as she lead him to the small resturant.
12 years ago
12 years ago
glances around when they get there and doesn't recognize it. "It's safe to assume you've been here before?"
12 years ago
nods and smiles, "of course." She let the host lead them to a table. "It's really quite good."
12 years ago
chuckles. "I trust you."
12 years ago
took her seat, "good." she nodded.
12 years ago
takes a seat opposite of her and picks up the menu curiously.
12 years ago
picked up her own menu and flipped through it. It was was an Italian place, every now and then, she didn't mind Italian food.
Turkey has
12 years ago
noticed a pattern of people taking him to Italian restaurants. He just shakes his head in amusement as he settles on something.
12 years ago
didn't know someone else had done that... she picked out the chicken penne and the red wine.
12 years ago
had decided on the minestrone soup, gnoochi al carbonara and some Tiramisù as dessert with a glass of red wine.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
pretty impressed with his selection. She always went with the simple things. Mostly, she just had a deep attachment to chicken right now.
Turkey was
12 years ago
a bit of a food snob....he liked his food but she was more than welcomed to try some from his plate if she wanted too.
12 years ago
wouldn't mind that, if he offered anyway.
12 years ago
probably would.
12 years ago
"So... how's life treating you?" She leaned back in her seat, having put the menu aside.
12 years ago
leans forward in his seat. "Fine, can't complain too much. How about you? Feeling better?"
12 years ago
nods and smiles a bit, "a bit better. Thanks. I still want to punch someone though... maybe Gilbert."
12 years ago
snorts. "Well if you really want to I won't be offended if you run off after dinner."
12 years ago
laughs a bit, "nah I'll be good. I'll find him tomorrow or something."
12 years ago
chuckles. "Fair enough. So did you want to talk about what made you angry or would you rather not?"
12 years ago
shakes her head and smiles, "not really. It's hard to explain."
12 years ago
nods. "Alright."
12 years ago
placed her order with the waiter when he came to take it.
Turkey is
12 years ago
just waiting on the food but was glad that the waiter had brought them their wine.
12 years ago
smiled a bit as she took a sip of her wine.
12 years ago
takes a sip too and swishes it in his mouth. "So are you still pining over Austria?"
12 years ago
blinks at that sudden question and she shook her head, "oh no. That is long dead." She nodded, "he's... different now."
12 years ago
had noticed that too. "Yeah, I've noticed that too."
12 years ago
rubs the back of her head lightly, "like he's more of... a wimp than ever and I can't stand it. It pisses me off. I want to blame Gilbert
12 years ago
for doing it to him."
12 years ago
sips at his wine. "His german is even really girly."
12 years ago
laughs a bit and nods, "yeah. He's totally become Gilbert's bitch..." She paused, "excuse my language."
12 years ago
quirks a brow amused. "That's fine, I've heard worse profanities come from my mouth."
12 years ago
nods as she took a few more sips of her tea. "Maybe I should punch Roderich instead..."
12 years ago
laughs. "Or invest in a punching bag?"
12 years ago
shakes her head a bit at that. "To expensive."
Turkey is
12 years ago
surprised her government hasn't already given her one.
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
surprised as well, but she normally uses Gilbert as her punching bag.
Turkey thinks
12 years ago
it's a good alternative in that case.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
so too. She smiled at the thought.
Turkey is
12 years ago
pleased when the waiter brings out their food.
12 years ago
smiles brightly at the sight of the food.
12 years ago
starts on his soup, tasting it first before nodding and eating away.
12 years ago
watched him before she took a bite of her pasta.
Turkey wonders
12 years ago
if she wants to try some?
12 years ago
wouldn't mind trying some, if he'd like to try some of her pasta.
12 years ago
passes her his bowl. He wouldn't mind that either.
12 years ago
tried a small spoon of the soup before she passed it back to him. She put some of the pasta on her fork and held it out to him.
12 years ago
leans over and takes the fork in his mouth, eating the food slowly, tasting it.
12 years ago
smiled as she watched him expectantly. "The soup was really good by the way."
12 years ago
smiles. "It is and so is your pasta."
12 years ago
nods a bit as she sat back and took a sip of her wine.
12 years ago
starts working on his pasta...he didn't want it to get cold. "Good choice in restaurant."
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
mid bite pasta as she nodded a bit and swallowed before she spoke. "Thank you."
Turkey wonders
12 years ago
how she heard of this place.
Elizabeta has
12 years ago
been here before, a while ago. It had been purely by mistake.
12 years ago
nods and continues to eat. "Have in the plans for the future?"
12 years ago
looked up at him with the question, "hmm?" She wasn't quite sure what he meant.
12 years ago
didn't mean anything specific. It was just a broad question that she can answer however she wants. "Anything exciting planned that you're
12 years ago
waiting for in the near future?"
12 years ago
quickly shakes her head, "oh no. Not really." There was some stuff with her boss, but really it wasn't exciting. "You?"
12 years ago
shrugs. "Festivals,events..."
12 years ago
gave him a curious look, "that sounds like fun."
12 years ago
smiles lightly. "Nothing, that isn't unusual for me."
12 years ago
blinked before she laughed softly. "Lucky you."
12 years ago
shrugs. "I just live in a big city. You're welcome to come if you want."
12 years ago
took another sip of her wine, "I'll keep that in mind."
12 years ago
finishes his pasta. "Do."
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
still working on her own pasta, she was a bit of a slow eater.
12 years ago
could be slow or fast depending on the day.
12 years ago
finished off her pasta finally and took her time with the wine.
12 years ago
can't wait for dessert!
12 years ago
thought it was adorable how much she loved treats.
12 years ago
(( She? xD ))
12 years ago
had a sweet tooth he couldn't deny.
12 years ago
(He* sorry xD to much wine.)
12 years ago
always liked that about him, he always had something sweet with him.
12 years ago
couldn't leave the house if that were the case and is soon pleased when the Tiramisu is brought to the table.
12 years ago
watched as she asked the waiter for some coffee.
12 years ago
digs in right away let out a bit of a moan at the sweet and yet coffee taste....
12 years ago
laughed quietly as she watched him.
12 years ago
quirks a brow at that and pauses staring at her for a second. "Want some?" He offers as he scoops some in his spoon and puts it out for her.
12 years ago
blinked and smiled faintly before she took the bite from the spoon humming happily. "Thanks."
12 years ago
chuckles. "No problem. Do you want more or are you good?"
12 years ago
leaned back again, "oh I'm good, it is delicious though."
12 years ago
smiles before digging back into it. More for him in that case.
12 years ago
didn't need to ruin her diet. She smiled as her coffee came and she sipped it.
12 years ago
doesn't think she needs to be on a diet.
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
she did, though it was more of something to keep her entertained in the kitchen.
Turkey thinks
12 years ago
he could entertain her in the kitchen. ;-)
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
he probably could.
12 years ago
actually knows he could.
Elizabeta will
12 years ago
take his word for it.
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