Brendan is
12 years ago
back from his few days away. He hopes no one noticed he had a little holiday.
latest #115
12 years ago
noticed and he's a bit worried about him, though he'll never say as much out loud.
12 years ago
just hopes Brett kept his part of the deal and didn't say much if he was asked. He calls up Arthur to 'ask for the low down' in mainland UK.
12 years ago
wasn't really in the mood to answer the phone, when he saw the call ID he groaned and picked it up. " 'ello?"
12 years ago
smiles. 'Caller ID broken or were you just desperate to hear my voice again, Art'r?'
12 years ago
glares at the phone, "I decided not to ignore you just this once."
12 years ago
'Lucky me. Anyway, anything exciting happening I should know about? I haven't heard from you...o-or Scotland or Wales...' He quickly adds.
12 years ago
frowns and shakes his head forgetting he couldn't see him. "Why should I fill you in on anything?"
12 years ago
frowns. 'Because whether ye like it or not, we're connected. And as a brother, you have to talk to me. That's the way the cookie crumbles.'
12 years ago
shook his head lightly, "I had a very interesting conversation with Brett, other than that. Nothing."
12 years ago
pauses. Brett? 'Is that so? How is my favourite kiwi? Say anything interesting?' He bites his lip.
12 years ago
nods a bit, "it was a very enlightening conversation."
12 years ago
'Oh?' He frowns. 'Well, sometimes the kiwi says weird stuff, I wouldn't take everything he says seriously..'
12 years ago
leaned back on his couch, "he said the same thing about you. Was there any other reason you called?"
12 years ago
frowns. Git kiwi... 'Why else would I call?' He cursed in his head. What did the Kiwi say he was doing when he was away?
12 years ago
shrugged a bit, "I don't know Ireland, why else would you call me?" He was annoyed now, more so than before. "You know what just go back to
12 years ago
drinking and don't bother me."
12 years ago
looks confused at the phone, and he snaps 'I'm trying to be friendly! If you want me to feck off, just say so!' He doesn't know what_
12 years ago
brought it on but he didn't like the idea of him being so angry for him.
England was
12 years ago
just annoyed with him, he knew there was something he wasn't telling him. He rubbed at his brow and sighed, "No I don't want you to deck off
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
(Auto correct keeps changing it ><;-)
12 years ago
>< ) *
12 years ago
Ireland." He sort of felt bad for snapping.
12 years ago
((haaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! funny!))
Brendan is
12 years ago
at least happy to hear that... 'Right....' He isn't sure what to say now. 'How are you and Portugal?'
12 years ago
shrugged a bit as he shifted on the couch. "We're fine."
12 years ago
nods, tucking the phone between his ear and shoulder 'Good, good.' He hesitates. 'Glad you're...having fun?'
12 years ago
frowned a bit at that, "is dating supposed to be fun?"
12 years ago
's eyebrows furrow. 'Well, yeah. It's supposed to be exciting and...I don't know, fill you up with happiness and hope.' It's been so long_
12 years ago
since he's been on one, it was hard to remember what you were supposed to feel.
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I guess then..." he wasn't really sure. He enjoyed being with Portugal. "Would you care to go for coffee?"
12 years ago
bites his lip. 'Will Portugal be there?' He isn't sure he could stomach it if he saw that guy touching his brother in that way...
12 years ago
frowned a bit at that question. "No. He won't be there." He thought the question was a bit weird.
12 years ago
hums, then nods. 'Then sure, I could do with getting coffee.' He was relieved now.
12 years ago
seriously thought he had a problem with Portugal now... "Alright... one where I am or one where you are?"
12 years ago
hums. 'Yours. When I drink anything in my country, I feel like a traitor if I'm not drinking whiskey. I'll meet you there soon.'
12 years ago
nods a bit, "sure. See you soon." He hung up with that and went to put his coat and boots on, heading out and taking his time walking to the
12 years ago
12 years ago
takes the boat to the mainland and heads to England to the coffee shop Arthur likes to go to. He rushes in, cold from the nippy air.
12 years ago
already had a table and a coffee, he looked up when he heard someone else come in and waved him over.
12 years ago
orders a black coffee and sits down opposite Arthur. 'So, where's your boyfriend today?' He asks, looking around at the other customers.
12 years ago
frowned at that question, "I wouldn't really call him my boyfriend just yet... we haven't said we're exclusive or anything Ireland."
12 years ago
hums in interest. 'So he can sleep around all he likes?' He thanks the girl who brings his coffee before turning his eyes to England.
12 years ago
took a few sips of his own coffee, "if he wanted to, yes. I would not have a problem with it."
12 years ago
'Oh...' He isn't sure how he feels about that. 'Alright then.
12 years ago
((Sorry, my pinky hit enter too early!))
12 years ago
'Oh...' He isn't sure how he feels about that. 'Alright then. That sounds....organised, playing the field and all that.'
12 years ago
watched him quietly with a frown before he set his coffee cup down. "Brett suggested I set you up with someone and we go on a double date."
12 years ago
almost makes a mess as he coughs on his coffee. 'Wh-what? Why'd he say that? I-I don't need anyone - why would he say you have to_
12 years ago
be the one to do it?' He demands in a rushed voice.
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I really don't know. Maybe because I'm your brother." He was a bit surprised by that reaction. "Either way I think it would
12 years ago
be good for you, to try dating someone maybe. It can't hurt can it."
12 years ago
mixes his coffee stubbornly with his spoon. 'I date. Not a lot, sure, but I'm not....completely inept at finding someone.' He shakes_
12 years ago
his head. 'Look, I appreciate the consideration and all but I don't want you to set me up with someone. Just because you found yourself_
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someone doesn't mean you'll know who I want.'
12 years ago
shakes his head, "no but I have a pretty good idea... Brett said you want someone you can't have..." He watched him carefully.
12 years ago
's entire face goes white and then very red. He places his coffee down, his hands shaking a little with obvious sudden nerves. 'He had_
12 years ago
no right telling you that.' He says quietly. 'What else did he say?'
12 years ago
shook his head, "nothing. Ireland I'm not going to press that matter any more, you clearly don't want me to know. Which is fine. I just...
12 years ago
want you to be happy."
12 years ago
nods. 'Well....I appreciate that.' He says awkwardly. 'But let's just say it's sort of impossible for you to set me up with the guy I like.'
12 years ago
frowns now, "why is it France? Because that's just someone I wouldn't dare set you up with. He's good in bed, but that's about it."
12 years ago
smiles fondly at him. 'No. My tastes are a little more refined than France. But t'ank you for looking out for me.' He reaches over and_
12 years ago
messes Arthur's hair. 'Listen. I've tried going for this guy before, but I might have messed up each attempt by accidently saying something_
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wrong, or getting into a fight with him. I decided I'd only try again if I had any confidence that he would like me back and so far_
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he's been completely indifferent to me. It's like he's an oblivious eejit.'
12 years ago
tried to brush the hand away and fix his hair as he listened. "Maybe he is then," he shrugged a bit. "You know, you never know until you try
12 years ago
, though I say that and then there's Greg... there is just no trying with him. He's... frustrated, both of you are."
12 years ago
picks up one of the complimentary cookies and bites a small piece as he thinks. 'Frustrated is a strong word...' He says, wondering
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if maybe Arthur's right although he won't want to admit it. 'Besides, if I try and he says no it could start a small but economically_
12 years ago
damaging war.' He looks up at Arthur. 'What signs should I look out for?'
12 years ago
shrugs a bit as he listened to him, he took a few more sips his coffee. "I don't know what signs you should look for... I don't even know
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who you like. Though it can't be Wales.."
12 years ago
smiles. 'Wales is cute, and very innocent which gets guys like Greg and I excited in a bad way.' he laughs, 'But no. He's cute but he)
12 years ago
doesn't exactly get my heart racing when I see him.' He shakes his head when he remembers who he's speaking to. 'Alright, let's say for_
12 years ago
arguments sake you wanted someone to know you liked them. What subtle things would you say or do?' He asks, studying him closely.
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I don't know. I'm not good at that stuff you know that. Hell I'm not even good at the whole... cuddling thing." He sighed a
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods. 'I know that all too well. You won't even let your brothers hug you without tensing up.' He arches a brow. 'You were a lot cuter as_
12 years ago
a kid. You let me hug you all the time, before you developed trust issues.'
12 years ago
folded his arms over his chest, "I do not have..." okay so he did have trust issues, a lot of them.
12 years ago
laughs, wishing he could reach over and pinch his cheeks. 'I'm not blaming you. I know you have your reasons. I just miss you sitting_
12 years ago
in my lap telling me you love me.' He teases.
12 years ago
raises his brow at that, "so you want me to sit in your lap again and tell you I love you?"
12 years ago
laughs, then looks up, sceptical. 'Sure. But you wouldn't. You haven't done that since....before you met France.'
12 years ago
shrugs at that, "France... changed me... I guess." He sighed a bit, "I bet I could set you up with Alfred."
12 years ago
sips his coffee as he waves a hand. 'Not him, no. I love him and all, but when he starts talking about aliens I want to stuff his head in_
12 years ago
a gutter. Trust me, for his sake, no. Besides, I already said: I don't need setting up!'
12 years ago
frowns a bit, "what about the other one. The quieter one?" he wasn't going to listen to his other statement.
12 years ago
blinks. 'Oh...him, uh....yeah whatshisname.' He blinks, a blank expression on his face. 'I don't think he could survive a relationship with_
12 years ago
me to be honest. He doesn't seem the type to like the 'rough around the edges' bloke like me.'
12 years ago
blinked a bit and shrugged, "I dunno. Have you been to his east coast? Those people are all rough around the edges and last time I spoke to
12 years ago
him they're all Irish and Scottish there apparently."
12 years ago
laughs. 'Alright, compared to other nations he might have a side to him that's a little rough, but c'mon.' He points with his thumbs to_
12 years ago
himself. 'This is me we're talking about. I eat guys like Russia and North Korea for pre-breakfast.'
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "he doesn't seem bothered by Russia one bit... actually I think he was baking with Ivan a few weeks ago."
12 years ago
finishes his biscuit. 'Well, he would. Ivan's a bunny.' He chuckles and puts a biscuit to Arthur's mouth. 'Eat.'
12 years ago
stared at the biscuit before he took a bite of it and swallowed. "You would think that."
12 years ago
smiles at his brother, finding his actions cute. 'Anyway, stop talking about me and tell yer ol' brother about this idiot your seeing-_
12 years ago
I mean, Portugal.'
12 years ago
frowns when he calls him an idiot. "Oh he's good, like I said we haven't made it serious or anything."
12 years ago
leans forward, leaning his head in his hand. 'Are you wanting it to get serious?'
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "I don't know." He looked over at him as he finished off his coffee. "I really don't know."
12 years ago
tilts his head to the side. 'I'm not judging you. If you're just in it for the sex, I'll understand. But you don't want to get into the_
12 years ago
situation where one of you wants something more and the other doesn't.' He looks sad, 'Trust me, it isn't a good feeling to feel someone_
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for someone and not have them feel the same way back.'
12 years ago
shook his head quickly, "we haven't had sex since the time we were together. So it's not about the sex." He pointed out, "and Ireland is
12 years ago
this because the person you like is currently seeing someone else?"
12 years ago
's eyes widen, but he keeps calm. 'I thought we were away from me,' He grumbles, then sighs. 'Yes, okay? And if it's not about sex, what_
12 years ago
do you get up to all day?'
12 years ago
shrugs as he continued to watch him, "nothing really." He ran a hand through his hair, "I don't think he wants sex."
12 years ago
looks a little confused. No sex? At all? 'What a waste...' He says out loud, looking at Arthur's frame
12 years ago
went a bit red again, "it's a bit frustrating."
12 years ago
smiles a little. 'So you want it and he's not giving it to you? How inconsiderate.'
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