12 years ago
So today I gave in and went to the doctor after waking up stifling screams every time I tried to take a full breath.
latest #11
12 years ago
Doctor let me know I have a form of nasty respiratory inflammation, so I am now home and well medicated.
12 years ago
Gack! Take care of you! cuddles her Shane
12 years ago
wow...that is shite
12 years ago
Magda K
12 years ago
Egads ... hope you recover soon!
Ori0n says
12 years ago
dude, major suckage!!
Ceejay Writer says
12 years ago
Eeek! I'm glad you saw the doc and I hope you feel better soon!
12 years ago
Thanks folks. I'm starting to feel better. Just have to keep on a few weeks of meds.
12 years ago
Take care of yourself, love.
Ceejay Writer says
12 years ago
Glad it's easing.... be good to yourself!
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