snuck into Annie's house, going through her closet and hiding the frumpy clothes, adding a few sexier items instead.
latest #9
will 2012-01-26T02:13:18.000Z
be so angry when she finds out.
changes her mind and shoves the frumpy clothes into a bag to take to a thrift store to let osme other unfortunate soul deal with them. She
double checks the room, grinning and moving to leave.
enters the house after a day of shopping. It was kind of nice to have her own house. She did like the other England, but having America_
around all the time got tiring.
freezes when she hears the door open and ANnie step inside, frowning. She had thought the other wouldn't be home for a while... She tries to
quietly shove the bag behind a door, climbing into bed and wriggling out of her dress. Perhaps she can distract her instead~
opens the door to her room and drops her bags upon the site. "W...Wh...Wh-What is this!?" She blurts out, redder than a brick.
grins, running a hand down her side as if to showcase herself. "Bonjour ma cherie~ How was your day~?"
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