Capt Kirk says
12 years ago, i guess I have to cancel my flight :-(
latest #15
12 years ago
dang, i am so sorry (cozy)
Capt Kirk says
12 years ago
hope maddox is ok
12 years ago
yeah, i hope same. no luck with texting him or something? :-(
Capt Kirk says
12 years ago
tried to call the resort but no answer
Capt Kirk says
12 years ago
emailed him too
12 years ago
oh no! :-(
12 years ago
shit, i hope you hear from him very soon
12 years ago
oh christ....
12 years ago
I've messaged him and told him he has to call you. I hope he's ok. He messaged me this morning while I was asleep and nothing seemed amiss.
*Sunshine* says
12 years ago
Damn I am so sorry. Are there any other options, maybe change to another meeting point? (cozy)
Capt Kirk says
12 years ago
spoke to maddox. he is doing ok. resort has not been affected but the roads and the main town is flooded....
Capt Kirk says
12 years ago
apparently they are expecting more rain...sighs
12 years ago
omg are you still gonna go? Goooooo
12 years ago
Glad he is ok! (cozy)
12 years ago
omg, glad to hear that he is alright!
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