shitzo says
12 years ago
i can really hate my life
latest #43
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
shitzo says
12 years ago
lets just say i was suppose to have a place to stay at the ehe month now i have a 90% chance i might be homeless
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
oo been there
shitzo says
12 years ago
yeah everything here is expensive as hell
shitzo says
12 years ago
one bedroom for 845 bucks and it isnt even nice
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
that blows
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
I hope you find somewhere to go cant u go to baby mama's house
baby mama's house isn't goingn to be baby mama's soon
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
and you cant all live there?
not at my parent's no... they don't live in the city
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
well cant he take the place ur living in now
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
and when u move out he moves in lol1
no cause they are using it for storage when i move
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
yeah i know it sucks :c
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
and when the baby comes your moving in with ur parents?
no i am mid next month so i can practice driving and get my license
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
o that willbe good for u
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
will u be staying there when the baby comes and all?
eah but Darci and i never will see each other... and i dunno that's what my sis' boyfriend wants me to do
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
I say stay there for at least the first 6 months after the baby is born
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
your going to need/want all the help you can get, and sleep
yeah i know but it'd be nice to have them there if he wanted to help
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
does he drive?
shitzo says
12 years ago
i do not drive there would be alot of dead people
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
lmfao omg same with me
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
ahahaha <3
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
tthey even sent me a letter from drivers ed saying never to drive alone and without a break on the
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
other side
haha awee. i got my learners and certificate to drive in the city from the instructor
we had to drive so many hours with him
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
I drovefor 10 hours, did really good, they tested me the next summer to see what i remembered
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
and i forgot everything i got in the car and asked which is the go and stop
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
lmfao (doh)
lol awe
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
epic fail
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
but i did really good the first summer lol, I drove in the rain and did fine
★BooBoo★ says
12 years ago
lol that's good
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