Little July has
13 years ago
had enough of the lag and is not having fun yet
latest #20
Little July
13 years ago
yeah I guess I'm just not a camp kid
Emmma Soup
13 years ago
There is tons of stuff on the event board! It's just the 2nd really and everything is getting settled. Camp is what you make it!
Little July
13 years ago
I should have applied on my big as a counsellor, I just never feel comfortable with not being able to follow conversations and stuff
Camper Bianca
13 years ago
july, just stick with a small one likea group of friends! dat way you haves fun!
Little July
13 years ago
thanks Bianca, thanks Juliet...I'll try...I'm just not used to...socialising, I guess
Prompkin Spice says
13 years ago
yes i agree wif Bianca stick wif a group a friends and go to events that way
Emmma Soup
13 years ago
Well we are both in your cabin! Like I said its only the 2nd day! There will be tons of things to do to get to know ppl you just have to get
Emmma Soup
13 years ago
Out there!
Prompkin Spice says
13 years ago
lag probably they say going to be like this until tomrrow.
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
oh July!
Penny says
13 years ago
huggies July we lubs you (cozy)
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
well i am happy cause one of the reasons that make me share with other kids was that my parents and sisters spent more time busy in rl
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
so that´s why i joined first hke and then ose...being in camp the first day was so good! i never thought it
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
i was so afraid to share with many kids that i don´t know them well I am a loner but here at camp try to enjoy with your friends
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
believe me yesterday was so good!
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
double pack of huggies for Little July!
Jenna Langer
13 years ago
and our cabin 2 is the best!
13 years ago
bounces through her plurk an puts lots sparkles at it
Little July
13 years ago
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