Heyyy, uh, anybody around? Who missed me!!!
latest #15
-curtsies- Good afternoon, Arthur.~
Ah, good afternoon, Miss Elizaveta. -Bows-
-giggles- I see Alfred quickly left when he realised that you were not around...
Ah...nonsense. He doesn't care either way. He probably just got bored and wandered off is all.
-grins at- Oh, reeeeeally~? /will say nothing about her private collections
-Raises an eyebrow- ...Certainly.
All righty, then! -raises a folded note- I got this from Alfred's desk... It has your name written on it.~
...I don't need to look at it. It's his own private matters if it's on his desk. -A bit curious but rather not pry-
-giggle- even if it had said to pass on to you?
Did...he tell you to give it to me? -Hesitant-
If you could put it that way~ -grabs hold of hand and gently places folded note onto his palm, smiles at-
...-Frowns and looks at it- ...I suppose. -Walks off with it in hand-
-smiles, waves- Have fun reading the note~
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