12 years ago
knocked on Yong Soo's door and stood quietly.
latest #139
Yong Soo
12 years ago
opens the door happily, and he blinks out at the other man. "Hello?"
12 years ago
smiles a bit, suddenly feeling a bit awkward. Maybe he should have just avoided Yong Soo... "ah hello Korea."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks at him and is all smiles. "Oh hey hi. Do you know me?" He tugs on the other's hand. "I am pretty famous I guess. Who are you?"
12 years ago
sighs a bit as he shook his hand lightly. "Ah, well I'm... umm... you know me too." He nodded.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
blinks again and leans up to look into his face. "Really? I'm sure I'd remember a sexy guy like you if I'd met you."
12 years ago
nods a bit as he watched him quietly. "Yeah... I'm... ah... how should I put it this... I'm Hungary."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hums and stares very intently for a moment. "Ahhhh I see. I didn't think it was possible for anyone else to have eyes as pretty as hers but
Yong Soo
12 years ago
if you're Hungary it makes more sense."
12 years ago
flushed a bit at that and looked away a bit, "thanks..." He rubbed the back of his head a bit. "Sorry this is kind of awkward, I don't know
12 years ago
how this happened.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and shrugs, tugging him inside. "Why is it awkward? Oh is having a penis weird for you?"
12 years ago
went a few shades darker and nodded as he followed him inside. "N-No... it's just... it's um... just different."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and gives him a tight hug. "Oh that's silly. You look really sexy like this too."
12 years ago
flushed as he hugged him back, he was a bit confused. "Ah... well thank you Yong Soo."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pulls back and just smiles at him. "Welcome!"
12 years ago
nods a bit at him, "uh huh..." He smiled a bit and moved to kiss him on the cheek.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses him back. "You're so sweet."
12 years ago
shakes his head again, "not overly. " He laughed a bit, "I just sort of wanted you know. I should be normal again."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly and plays with his hair. "You are normal. You always normal. No matter what you look like you're still you!'
12 years ago
smiled brightly at that and smiled, "oh thank you... you're wonderful." He nodded with that and paused, "would it be weird to kiss you?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins when he finally looks happy again and hugs him close. "no kisses are never weird."
12 years ago
hugged him back before he kissed him lightly. "Okay... good.
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses him gently back. "Very good."
Elizabeta is
12 years ago
a bit embarrassed by this and moves to kiss him again. "Good..."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses him again, stroking fingers through his hair. Still cute, even like this.
12 years ago
smiled a bit into the kiss as he carefully pulled him closer.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
lets himself be pulled closer and keeps kissing him, humming happily into his mouth.
12 years ago
felt a bit awkward still as he slowly deepened the kiss, his arms circling around him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
wraps his arms around him, holding him close as he let the other deepen the kiss.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
glad he didn't seem to mind this as he lightly nipped at his lower lip. He shifted into him a bit.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
groans softly at the nibbling and rubs his hands over Hungary's back. Of course he doesn't mind.
12 years ago
smirked a bit at that as he took full advantage of it, slipping his tongue into Korea's mouth as he hummed.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
curls their tongues together, moaning softly at the taste of him. "Mmmmm," he hums into his mouth, rubbing his back.
12 years ago
thought he was as wonderful as before. He gently ran a hand down his back as he pulled him closer.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
slips his hands into the other's back pockets, holding him closer and exploring his mouth.
12 years ago
moaned softly into the kiss, gladly pressing closer to him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles into his mouth molding them together and holding him close.
12 years ago
pulled back from the kiss to catch his breath a bit.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at him when he pulls back, his own cheeks pink.
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
a bit flushed still as he shifted a bit, "this really does feel weird."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly and nudges his nose. "How does it feel weird. Tell me."
12 years ago
blinks a bit at that, "ah it's um... just different."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and traces his jaw. "Oh? Not something you can describe then huh?"
12 years ago
nods a bit, he was a bit embarrassed to explain it. "Y-Yeah..."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and holds him closer. "But you're cute.'
12 years ago
flushed again, "T-Thanks..."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at him and slips a hand out of his back pocket to rub his back.
12 years ago
shifted into him again, pulling him closer. He kissed him again lightly,
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at him and kisses him again, holding him close and humming happily.
12 years ago
deepened the kiss right away and smiling a bit into it, he liked this.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pulls him over to the couch, never breaking the kiss. He pulls the other down on to his lap.
12 years ago
flushed a bit as he settled down over his lap, his arms around his shoulders as he kept up the kiss.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
keeps kissing him, holding him close and humming delightedly. Yong Soo adores affection like this. He strokes his fingers through his hair.
12 years ago
lightly pressed down into him, his fingers moved and combed through his hair as he pressed to deep the kiss. He enjoyed giving him this
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
lets him deepen it, kissing him back passionately. The shape of him was different now but it was still Hungary.
12 years ago
gently tangled one of her hands in his hair as he pulled him closer, glad he was okay with this.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
finally brakes from his mouth to gasp for air, peppering light kisses to his jaw.
12 years ago
tried to catch his own breath, he tilted his head a bit and moved to kiss him again on the cheek.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Mmmmm yes you're so cute like this too."
12 years ago
blushed even darker now as he paused, "I-I'm not that cute." He huffed a bit before he smiled and kissed him again.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this and kisses him back passionately. He is really enjoying this as well.
12 years ago
hummed softly into the kiss, the hand in Yong Soo's hair accidentally brushing over that stray strand as he pressed into him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps at this and shivers at the hand on the curl. He moans and squirms roughly beneath him.
12 years ago
was a bit shocked by the reaction before he remembered the curl and smiled a bit into the kiss. He moved to pull, licking his lips a bit.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps and shivers underneath him, squirming in pleasure. He grips at his shoulders, whining for more.
12 years ago
leaned in again and kissed him, nipping lightly at his lower lip before he moved his kisses to his jaw and down his neck. He found just the
12 years ago
right spot and bit down hard enough to leave a mark before he licked and sucked at it.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
tips his head back as the other moves, gasping softly at this. "Fuck that's--" He arches roughly as he bites down on him and writhes a
Yong Soo
12 years ago
little beneath him. "...Elizaaaa.'
12 years ago
felt extremely pleased with himself for getting that reaction out of him. He continued to work on that spot till he shifted his kisses
12 years ago
further down, just feeling Yong Soo underneath him was sending a weird feeling through him. God the Korean was hot.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
whines softly again at the feeling of his mouth on him like that, writhing gently. His hands run up the other's back, gripping and caressing
Yong Soo
12 years ago
his skin eagerly. "Mmmmmm you're so amazing."
12 years ago
paused at his collar bone, pulling back just enough for his breath to still brush against his skin he smirked. "You're so turning me on
12 years ago
right now Yong Soo..." he shifted his hips down into his and shuddered, guys really got turned on so easily.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shivers at this, bucking a little beneath him. He licks his lips and squirms a bit. "Is that, uh, you're first boner there, Eliza or uh." He
Yong Soo
12 years ago
slides his hand into Eliza's hair, playing with it.
12 years ago
flushed darkly at that as he looked up at him, he squirmed a bit now. "Y-yes and it's i-it's embarrassing." He looked away for a moment.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this. 'how is it embarrassing? I've had mine inside you before. It's not like this is all that weird either."
12 years ago
went even darker at that as he nodded a bit and looked up at him. "It's just weird for me... never had to deal with this before." He noddd
12 years ago
a bit again and kissed him, "but god I love how up front you are about everything."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this as well, bringing his hands up to cup Hungary's cheeks. He kisses him back. "Mhm. No need to be upset or feel bad. It's just
Yong Soo
12 years ago
different.' he keeps touching him and kissing him.
12 years ago
kissed him again, wanting to taste more of him now as he pressed into him. One of his hands went back to his hair. "I know... I just...
12 years ago
right now I just want you." He got the words out between fevered kisses.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and kisses him passionately back, fingers scraping down his back in pleasure. "Mmmmmm,' he moans into his lips.
12 years ago
groaned softly as he shifted his hips down into his, gladly returning the kiss with as much passion. One of his hands clutched at his shirt
12 years ago
front as the other combed through his hair, pulling him closer.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grabs his ass roughly, dragging their hips together again. He bites and licks at the other man's mouth, just as eager as him.
12 years ago
moaned at that as he parted his lips, the hand in his hair slid down to the hem of his shirt and pulled at it roughly, wanting it off.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps and lifts his arms up to help hungary wrestle the shirt off of him, not minding one bit if the other wanted to rip the
Yong Soo
12 years ago
fabric but wanting very much to be touched.
12 years ago
got the shirt of and instantly slid his hands over his chest, he moved his lips to his shoulder now before shifting a bit in his lap so he
12 years ago
could kiss along his chest. Wanting very much to just touch him. His hands slid along his sides and up over his nipples, fingers brushing
12 years ago
over them experimentally.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
arches up into the hands on him, shivering in pleasure at the touches. His own fingers slide over Hungary's body a bit eagerly but he's too
Yong Soo
12 years ago
distracted to do much else. He lets out a shaking breath as the other touches him.
12 years ago
moved his kisses to follow his fingers, nipping lightly at the skin and sucking on the spot. He couldn't get enough of this man.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
lets out a soft cry of pleasure and arches up toward his mouth. "E-Eliza...' he mumbles, fingers gripping and tugging at his shirt eagerly.
12 years ago
shifted and moved back to pull his shirt off for him. As soon as it was out of the way he kissed him again, roughly this time as he pressed
12 years ago
his hips down into his.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps and grabs his ass again at this. He grinds them together eagerly, moaning into his mouth as he kisses him hotly.
12 years ago
moaned into the kiss as he pressed into the hand on his ass, his own hands going to tug at Yong Soo's pants now.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs into the kiss at how excited he is, squeezing his butt eagerly enough. Mmm Eliza was sexy like this too.
12 years ago
pulled back from the kiss, nipping at his lower lightly as he fumbled with the other's pants. "Is this what it's like for guys... all the
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
gasps at this and his hand moves to cup his crotch over his pants. "Well not all the time. But you make me feel like this a lot huh/'
12 years ago
moaned, very shocked and caught by surprise by the sudden grope. He shifted into the hand though, "o-oh really? that's... that's good then."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at him, loving that expression of shock on his face. "Mmmm you do. You're very sexy okay~"
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as he nodded and moved to kiss him again. "I'm glad you think so, now can we get our pants and boxers off because I
12 years ago
think you're extremely sexy too."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and moves to kiss his mouth again as he opens the other man's pants. "Mmmm~" That was certainly no problem to him.
12 years ago
kissed him back desperately as he shifted for him, his hands going to the Korean's pants and fumbling with them, he just wanted to touch
12 years ago
more of him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
squirms at the hands, arching his hips up so he could pull his pants off easier. He wanted the contact just as much, moaning his name in
Yong Soo
12 years ago
utter pleasure.
12 years ago
pulled back, moving to pull the other's pants off. He pulled his own off as well before he kissed him again, "god I just want you right
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at him and leaves fierce quick kisses on his mouth. "Maybe you should take me them~"
12 years ago
pulled back a bit at that and looked at him, completely thrown for a moment. "M-Me?" he looked him over before he kissed him again, nipping
12 years ago
at his lower lip as his hands pulled at his boxers now.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods, biting at his lip in response and letting him slide his boxers off. after his clothes are gone, Yong Soo gently
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pushes him off, kneeling on the couch and bending over. His knees are on the cushions and his arms are on the back of the couch. "Yeah, you
Yong Soo
12 years ago
can take me huh?"
12 years ago
flushed instantly at that as he watched him, looking him over he shifted a bit feeling that growing uncomfortable tightness. He wanted to...
Yong Soo
12 years ago
looks over his shoulder at him, making a little pouty face. "Is that a no...?" He is staring at him with very clear want. "I mean this could
Yong Soo
12 years ago
be your only chance.... Unless you're into strap ons...." He went red at the idea... O//~//O
12 years ago
blinked at that before he quickly shook his head, "that was not a no... and I would not mind trying that at some point... when I'm normal
12 years ago
again." He nodded a bit. "Don't I need to do something else first though?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this reaches out a hand, pulling him forward. "We'll tuck that info away for later okay? Now, go get the lube out of my pants
Yong Soo
12 years ago
okay?" He points to the pile of clothes.
12 years ago
flushed at that and nodded slowly as he got up and grabbed his pants finding the lube pulled it out and looked over at Yong Soo. "Okay..."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
nods and leans on his hands again. "You can stretch me right? I mean, I can do it for you if you want..."
12 years ago
blinks at that before he shakes his head, "no I can do that." He smiled a bit at the and moved back over to him to kiss him lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses him back, raising a hand to cup his cheek. "Mmm," he hums into his lips. This was going to be good. He shivers a little.
12 years ago
carefully opened the bottle and put some on his fingers as he deepened the kiss a bit more, he set the bottle aside and gently ran a finger
12 years ago
over his entrance, breaking the kiss.
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