12 years ago
i thought baby this age should sleep through night.... no... he nap 1/2 of average time and he slept 4 hours a night ... so tired ..
latest #6
12 years ago
i can't get anything done all day... we move in for almost a year ... and this house is sill a mess .. damn !
12 years ago
oh trust me. nothing can be done until he's past one yr of age. don't worry, it will pass eventually. I have to say K sleep thru the nite
12 years ago
only 1/3 of his life.
12 years ago
it just gets a little difficult from time to times and i really don' t wan to lose it ..especially when he's around...
12 years ago
you won't lose it, even if you do, it's gonna be very quiet and it won't affect him that much. don't worry. I have carried K in my hands and
12 years ago
cry hysterically too.
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