Snippit wonders
13 years ago
why The Last Exorcism continues to get such positive reviews. It blows my little mind... Are we just that desperate for good horror?
latest #67
piddleloop says
13 years ago
there hasn't been good horror in a long time
piddleloop says
13 years ago
the horror industry has been too wrapped up in Eli Roth this past decade to really churn out anything good
piddleloop says
13 years ago
wasn't that movie produced by good ole Roth?
Snippit says
13 years ago
piddleloop: Heck yeah it was. I cannot stand that man. Cabin Fever? Really???
Snippit says
13 years ago
Between that and Hostile... UGH. There's good stuff out there, but you gotta look.
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i miss the days of John Carpenter
piddleloop says
13 years ago
and Wes Craven
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i also have to admit that the whole genre the Blair Witch started where they are made to seem realistic but are super low budget are
piddleloop says
13 years ago
decent , they are above the crap Roth churns out
piddleloop says
13 years ago
and i actually enjoyed the blair witch project it scared the hellout of me cause i find scenarios of being
piddleloop says
13 years ago
lost and alone and so on paralyzing
stacieknits says
13 years ago
^ exactly, Jen!
Snippit says
13 years ago
That whole 'found film' genre can be a double edged sword. You can look at something like Paranormal Activity (which I enjoyed)
Snippit says
13 years ago
And then there's the latest Devil Inside, which is a terrible cop-out. And there's a slew in between.
Snippit says
13 years ago
Course if you got there I have to mention REC (original Spanish, not Quarantine) which is AWESOME.
Snippit says
13 years ago
And Blair Witch was awesome, which makes the sequel that much worse.
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i never knew they made a ssequal to Blair Witch but it wouldn't surpise me heh
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i liked paranormal activity 1 until the sort of end
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i thinkt hey should have ended it somewhere about 10 min before it really ended it would have been scarier but i can't remember where
piddleloop says
13 years ago
cause it's been so long
Snippit says
13 years ago
I thought the second one actually justified the first one for me and now I'm actually a fan of the series.
Snippit says
13 years ago
It was a strange thing!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i sometimes wish David Lynch would write a full on horror film
Snippit says
13 years ago
I know!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
his mystery man scene from lost highway i find to be the single most frightening scene from any movie EVER
piddleloop shares
13 years ago
piddleloop says
13 years ago
it scares the shit out of me everytime i see that scene
Snippit says
13 years ago
I love me some Eraser Head. :-)
piddleloop says
13 years ago
yes but it doesn't touch mystery man
piddleloop says
13 years ago
not with a 10 foot pole
piddleloop says
13 years ago
robert blake can scare the crap out of me any day!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i kind of miss the campy days of horror a little
piddleloop says
13 years ago
slumber party massacre was a good one
Snippit says
13 years ago
You know, I've not yet seen Mystery Man...
piddleloop says
13 years ago
he's in Lost Highway
Snippit says
13 years ago
I've seen lost highway. Love that one.
Snippit says
13 years ago
Blue Velvet, Mullholand Drive...
Snippit says
13 years ago
And I have got to say (massive nerd alert here) my absolute favorite is Dune. :-D
Snippit says
13 years ago
I can't help it!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
He's also in twin peaks as well
Snippit shares
13 years ago
My daughter looks just like Alia!
Snippit shares
13 years ago
piddleloop: Happy birthday by the way!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
wow and thank yoU!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i used to be a huge horror movie fiend
piddleloop says
13 years ago
but it's been so bad in the past decade or so i haven't enjoyed much recently
Snippit says
13 years ago
Yeah, I hear that.
Snippit says
13 years ago
I took a year off last year but I'm coming back around to it again. I go to the cons and stuff - listen to a lot of podcasts.
Snippit says
13 years ago
I've missed it.
StitchinOutLoud says
13 years ago
I like most horror movies to a certain extent, even the really bad ones like The Devil Inside but lately I really Japanese horror.
StitchinOutLoud says
13 years ago
The original Ring scared the crap out of me!! OH! And Ju-on (aka the grudge).
Snippit says
13 years ago
StitchinOutLoud: Seen Audition yet?
piddleloop says
13 years ago
some of the japanese and Korean horror is pretty good
Snippit says
13 years ago
Machine Girl, Tokyo Gore Police, Suicide Club...
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i think the original eye movie lost me in the second half but some of that stuff is good
Snippit says
13 years ago
piddleloop: Agreed.
piddleloop says
13 years ago
Ju-on was awesome
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i also liked the original movie where they took the pictures i can't remember the original name of it the US remake had Pacy from Dawson's
piddleloop says
13 years ago
Creek in it
piddleloop says
13 years ago
and your photo would be all messed up stealing your soul?
StitchinOutLoud says
13 years ago
Snippit: YES!! That girl was EEEFFFFFF
StitchinOutLoud says
13 years ago
EFFFFF'd up!!!
Snippit says
13 years ago
Snippit says
13 years ago
piddleloop: Duh, sorry. It was Shutter!
Snippit says
13 years ago
StitchinOutLoud: I know! Total freakazoid!
piddleloop says
13 years ago
that's it! oh i just looked it up it was a Thai horoor flick
piddleloop says
13 years ago
i liked the original of that one
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