12 years ago
'Ello? Anyone here? :3 OOC
latest #11
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
(kyahoo Cheru! ;w; I'm so sorry to hear about your score ;~; can you ask for some extra project?))
12 years ago
( ;3; I'll just have to pull it up this semester.)
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
((you can do it, I'm sure <3 I have seen myself how smart and harworking you are <3 so cheer up >3<;-))
12 years ago
( ; n ; Yeah, still unfair on the part of my teachers. ;; But I'll try! Thank you, sweetie! -Hugs-)
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
((yeah, it's not very nice of them :T but in the end, it's people like you that get those huge reward. so no worries! hug))
12 years ago
( :c Thank you. You're such a sweetheart.)
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
((asdfghjkl no I'm not ;w; I'm just a normal random passerby. I'm sure anyone'll do the same <3 you're very loved, you know >w<;-))
12 years ago
( Nah, you're no random passerby, sweetie~ )
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
((aww you gave me too much credit here >////< and you're the sweet one, sweetheart >w<;-))
12 years ago
( Loooool. -Hugs- :3 )
Liechtenstein says
12 years ago
(( -huggle- >w< okay I think I'm gonna take a little nap, see you later! I hope you've cheered up now >3< ))
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