Yong Soo is
12 years ago
painting a tiger. >D
latest #170
Elizabeta wants
12 years ago
to see! She's sure it's awesome.
Yong Soo will
12 years ago
show her! It's not done yet though 8(
Elizabeta thinks
12 years ago
that only means it'll be even better when it's done.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and nods, though he does dab some paint on her cheek just to be a jerk.
12 years ago
blinks at the paint on her cheek. She paused before she reached over and grabbed a paint brush and dabbed a bit on his cheek in return.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this but gasps theatrically. "You got me! Oh no!" Then he... falls off of his bench on purpose.
12 years ago
laughs a bit as she watched before she faked looking completely shocked and horrified. "Oh dear, Yong Soo!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
collapses over the ground theatrically. "Ohhhh noooo~!" He looks up at her and grins.
12 years ago
smiles down at him and offers her hand to help him up. "So you going to show me your tiger?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
takes her hand and pulls her down on top of him. "Ha! I win!" Okay so he's a child sometimes. He dabs paint on her other cheek.
12 years ago
squeaked a bit as she was pulled down, flushing she sat up a dbit and shook her head, rubbing at the paint now. "Mmm brat," she grinned.
12 years ago
a bit**
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and puts a bit on the end of her nose. "Not a brat. I'm fun."
12 years ago
grins as she moved to brush her nose to his, "that's true. You are fun."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs. "You spread it to me now!" he cries out, scrunching up his nose.
12 years ago
laughed as well and nodded, "yep!" She moved to put more on his chin.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this and squirms, trying to fight her off gently.
12 years ago
moved to get off him and smiled a bit.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
takes the advantage she gives him, sitting on her and fingerpainting on her cheeks He was a brat
Yong Soo
12 years ago
Elizabeta was
12 years ago
caught off guard and struggled a bit, "you are a brat." She poked at his sides as she pouted up at him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles. "And you're colorful and gorgeous~" He squirms at the poking and drew his name along her cheek. "hahaha."
12 years ago
laughed as she moved to put some more paint on her own finger. She dabbed it along his chin and down his neck. "Uh huh."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins down at her. "And you have my name on your f--- hey! Putting paint on me. Bad girl!"
12 years ago
grinned. "Oh, what are you going to do then hmm? you've already covered me in paint."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and thinks about this. "Maybe I'll just keep you trapped forever!"
12 years ago
pouts a bit, "aww you wouldn't do that." She smiled suddenly as she shifted under him and dabbed his nose with paint again.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
scrunches up his nose at the paint dab. "Oh no! I think I'm going to draw a moustache on you. Or maybe... a penis ~!"
12 years ago
's eyes go wide and she quickly shakes her head, "oh don't do that..." she smiles a bit more. "Or I'll have to draw something just as vulgar
12 years ago
on you."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this but he's getting paint on his fingertip now, humming in pleasure. He starts to try and draw a penis on her. 'you couldn't do
Yong Soo
12 years ago
it, would you/'
12 years ago
shifts to get away from the fingers as she giggled, "oh I could! or I could do something worse in retaliation."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs happily at this. "Oh really? What could you do to me then~?" he says as he draws on her face.
12 years ago
scrunched up her face with that. "I could..." she thought for a moment, "well I was going to suggest that I could take a shower with you to
12 years ago
help wash off the paint, but..."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs gently and leans down to kiss her mouth a little. "mmmmm I wouldn't mind that too much."
12 years ago
smiled as she leaned up and kissed him back lightly. "I could deny you sex."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs softly and pouts. "why would you do that? It sounds awfully boring for you too that way.
12 years ago
laughed a bit and nodded, "that's true... but there's other things I could do." She kissed him on a clean part of his cheek.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pouts at her and plays with her hair. "Like what? Tell me!"
12 years ago
shrugs a bit, "nope. My secrets." She smiled and wrapped her arms around him giving him a hug.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pouts at her some more. "Come on Lizzy.... tell me..." ;3;
12 years ago
shakes her head, "nuh uh. You'll have to make me to tell you."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
pouts a bit more and nibbles on her lip. "But Lizzy... I wanna know now."
12 years ago
kisses him lightly. "I've forgotten what it was now though."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this, kissing her lightly back. "Awww then no bath time?"
12 years ago
blinks at that and shakes her head, "oh no we need a bath." She smiled as she kissed him again in return.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and nudges their noses together. "You're gorgeous." He laughs. "Even with a penis drawn on."
12 years ago
blushes at that and lightly hits him on the shoulder, more playful than anything. "You a brat, but a sexy one." She laughed.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and laughs at the playful hit and he settles down on top of her. "You like me. You love my art too." He kisses her cheek an hair.
12 years ago
closes her eyes as she kept her arms around him. "I do like you... and your art is very interesting."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and is just showering her in affection now. It's what he does-- annoy then loves on.
12 years ago
looked up at him as she laughed a bit, she shifted to catch his lips again lightly. She thought it was cute and sweet.
Yong Soo is
12 years ago
playing with her hair and he kisses sweetly back, humming happily into her mouth. He rubs his fingers along her jaw and squirms a little
Yong Soo
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiled into the kiss, she was content to just do this. Her arms rested loosely around his shoulders.
Yong Soo likes
12 years ago
this too. He likes showering people with gentle touches and affections but none of his family really like it.
12 years ago
didn't know, she liked it and she enjoyed giving people the same show of affection. She kissed him on the cheek again lightly, "you're
12 years ago
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs and kisses her a bit rough on the mouth when she says this. "You like saying that, I think."
12 years ago
kiss him back gladly before she laughed a bit, "I do but only about you."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her and sits up, pulling her into his arms. "It's because it's especially true about me.
12 years ago
shift as she kept her own arms wrapped around him. "Mm hm, it is." She nodded.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and cuddles her in close. "Milady you are looking very colorful." He kisses her jaw gently.
12 years ago
laughs a bit as she kissed him on the tip of the nose. "Mmm... I'm not the only one."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this. "Let me bathe you. I'll clean you up nice and shiny."
12 years ago
smiles at that, "as long as I can bathe you as well." She nodded.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles back at her and catches her mouth in a sweet kiss, already trying to pull her up with him.
12 years ago
got up carefully as she kissed him back. "We should go out for dinner after, my treat this time." She nodded.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and nods. "I'd love that. I'd love to go to dinner with you."
12 years ago
pecked him on the cheek with that before she pulled back from. "Good!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and slides a hand through her hair. "Lets' go get ourselves cleaned up then."
12 years ago
nods and smiles, ruffling his hair in return, "sure."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and nods, leading her to the bath then.
12 years ago
follows after him quietly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and can't help but steal another kiss after he's got the water running.
12 years ago
moved to catch another kiss in return as she smiled.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her and pulls her close. "Hey now come here miss."
12 years ago
moved closer to him and gave him a curious look. "Hmm?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses her again, gently.
12 years ago
returned the kiss lightly, resting her hands on his shoulders.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles into her mouth, pressing close against him. "mmmm so cute."
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as she moved to kiss him on the cheek. "You're cute and our bath is going to get cold."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
laughs at this and nods. "Okay okay we'll kiss some more later then. "
12 years ago
nods with that, "of course."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and climbs into the tub, helping her in.
12 years ago
followed him into the tub after she'd undressed herself. She kissed him lightly again.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and pulls her in against him. >u<
12 years ago
leaned into him and kissed him lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and moves to start scrubbing paint off of her.
12 years ago
sat back a bit before she moved to help him wash the paint off.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and hums. He made the mess, he'll try and clean it up right?'
12 years ago
reached over to him when he was done and cleaned the paint off his face.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and closes his eyes as she cleans him up.
12 years ago
took her time to clean his face up.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
scrunches up his nose at her as she works, laughing a couple of times.
12 years ago
grinned to herself, when she finished she kissed him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses her back when he feels her lips on his. Mmmm so cute.
12 years ago
gently ran her hands through his hair before she pulled back. "So what do you want to do now?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this. "Movie time?"
12 years ago
nods, "sure!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at her and moves out of the bath to get her a towel.
12 years ago
got out of the bath as well, taking the towel with a thanks.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and starts to dry himself off too.
12 years ago
dried herself off as well.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and ruffles her hair.
12 years ago
smiled at that as she moved and kissed him on the lips lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
kisses her back and moves to put clothes on.
12 years ago
pulled back and put her own clothes back on.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and rubs his hair.
12 years ago
finished getting dressed and smiled over at him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and takes her hand after his clothes are on.
12 years ago
took his hand as well and pulled it up to his lips, kissing the back of his hand lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and blushes at the little kiss. "That's c-cute." >//3//< "Let's go okay!"
12 years ago
laughed at bit at that reaction. "Okay."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
leads her to his car. >u<
12 years ago
followed him happily.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and helps her into the car. >u<
12 years ago
gets into the car and smiles.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
hops in as well and starts toward the movie theater.
12 years ago
smiled at him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
reaches over to hold her hand as he drives. =w=
12 years ago
held his hand in return, god he was wonderful.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at her and squeezes her fingers. >u<
12 years ago
returned the smile and the squeeze.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and pulls into the parking lot. >u<
12 years ago
looked around as the pulled in, she let go of his hand and leaned over to peck him on the cheek lightly.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this kiss, beaming eagerly. "You're the best date."
12 years ago
blinked at that before she laughed a bit, "you are too."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and leans over to kiss her lips gently.
12 years ago
returned the smile as she kissed him back just as gently. "So what movie are we going to see?"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
shrugs. "Whatever you want to see. We can go check to see what's playing.
12 years ago
smiled and nodded, "sounds good to me."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins and gets out of the car.
12 years ago
got out as well and went over to him, grabbing his hand. "Maybe we can make out in the theater." She grinned a bit with that and pecked him
12 years ago
on the cheek.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and nods, taking her hand in his. 'of course we can." He pecks her cheek in return.
12 years ago
smiled as she pulled him into the building. "Good!"
Yong Soo
12 years ago
walks with her and nods, humming happily.
12 years ago
would let him order the tickets and everything, she wasn't great with Korean. She held his hand tightly though.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and buys them tickets to a nice romantic film.
12 years ago
leaned into him a bit and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "I'll treat to the drinks."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and swings their hands. "Really? you're so sweet!"
12 years ago
nodded as she twined her fingers with his, when they got to the snack counter she ordered two drinks and paid for them.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and waits quietly as she orders. He pecks her cheek once during the process, humming happily.
12 years ago
handed him his drink before she returned the kiss. "Mm I like you a lot."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
grins at this and takes his drink before leading her to their theater.
12 years ago
followed him happily as she sipped at her own drink.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
leads her to room and finds them a seat in a good spot.
12 years ago
sat next to him, putting her drink int he cup holder as she smiled. "This was a good idea."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and puts an arm around her already. "I think so too!"
12 years ago
leaned into him happily, "you're sweet."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles and rubs her shoulder. "You are."
12 years ago
kissed him lightly on the lips. "Nuh uh."
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and kisses her back. "Mhm."
12 years ago
sighs a bit as she leaned into him again.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
holds her close and waits for the movie to start.
12 years ago
waited as well, this was nice though.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
steals another kiss during the previews.
12 years ago
smiled at that and returned it quickly, she couldn't help it with him.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles against her lips before pulling back as the movie starts.
12 years ago
rested her head on his shoulder lightly as she watched the movie.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
smiles at this and hugs her as close as the seats will allow.
12 years ago
kisses the side of his neck lightly before she went back to watching the movie, he was just to cute.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
keeps watching the movie, chuckling at the kiss. that kinda tickled >u<
12 years ago
focused on the movie now, enjoying it.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
holds her hand as he watches.
12 years ago
laced her fingers with his and smiled.
Yong Soo
12 years ago
squeezes her hand gently. >u<
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