roger276 is
12 years ago
‎"I follow four dictates: face it, accept it, deal with it, then let it go."
latest #7
goingkookies says
12 years ago
good one.. now, putting it into application is what i find hard to do
無憂無慮身體健康 says
12 years ago
roger276 says
12 years ago
which one is the hardest? letting go
roger276 says
12 years ago
memories shall stay for the rest of your life
goingkookies says
12 years ago
agree.. letting go is not easy.. and sometimes, when u think it's alright, u ve finally moved on, a memory or two will sneak up and u
goingkookies says
12 years ago
re back to square 1
roger276 says
12 years ago
if minds can be like computer, can delete sad memories
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