-evil look- you know vhat you did! und now everybody is vorried und vhants me to 'talk' to Vash!
P-pff, listen, ah gave her a choice. She chose. An' ah didn' force her at all. So maybe yeh ought t' back. **Off.**
ein choice?... thats it?......-evil smirk- vell at least her secret is safe vith me und you vill never find out, poor Ireland
-snorts- Ah don' care 'bout you nor do I need t'. Now leave me 'lone.
you sure? she has a dirty secret that involves cameras and stalking. und her pile of shirtless und more pictures und vids have grown
If she 'as some deep dark secret she doesn' wan' me t' know, then ih's hers t' keep. Ih mus' not matter if she doesn' tell me. Git goin'.
Hurry, b'fore ah decide t' break this whole guitar ov'r yer head.
-glares up at him, dead serious- Ah carve these things with m' bare hands, ah don' mind carvin' out a new one.
-glares up at him- then go carve out some other poor girl to manipulate! that vill keep you quiet for a vhile!
I don' manipulate 'nyone. -annoying smirk- S' no' my fault tha' women love a charmin', rogue, Irishman, yeh piano playin' puss.
vhat did you call me? vell at least I dont jump on the spot like a green pansy like you!
Yeh're jus' too precious. Go hoppin' in yer heels, back t' yer piano. -goes back to fixing his guitar string-
(( ......... IC: /eyetwitch OOC: /bursts out laughing out of amusement ))
-turns mumbles- fucking green jumping pansy vith his rainbows. at least I'm not gay vith rainbows
-in a sing-song REALLY Irish voice- At leas' I have th' giiirl!~
-stops in tracks- THATS IT -rans at you full speed tackles to ground-
-blinks and uses his guitar to push past him, catching him with it, then throwing the guitar back, Roddy missed him completely- *Please.*
-gets back up- hold still so I can kick your green ass to the moon!
Listen boyo, ah don' wanna hurt yeh b'cause yer sorry little arse still has some value t' Eliza. I like her, so ah won' do shit to yeh.
.... she still likes me?.........but...tut min lied
P-pfff... -picks up his broken guitar and tisks- Damn ih... Ah guess a new guitar wus in order 'nyway..
-walks in and crosses arms- What's going in here, you two? -sternly looks at the both of you-
-looks up- nothing Elizaveta
-shrugs- Hey don' look at me, ah jus' sit here with m' broken guitar an' all tha'. -whistles innocently-
.. mhmm. -frowns at- If I hear some kind of noise coming from the two of you one more time, you both are going to get the frying pan
-backs off abit- ah vell I'll be vith my piano....like anybody needs me...-walks out-
-winces- Ouch tha' soun's painful. Wouldn' wan' tha'. -tisks and continues tinkering with his instrument-
.. -sighs, leaves the room resuming to her usual work-