Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Mmfh. -runs his fingers through his hair, yawns- Huh ih's mornin' already? Mm, wow...
latest #111
12 years ago
(( so tempted... ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( w-what's going to happen after this-- ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( not sure aaaah ))
12 years ago
-muffles and stuffs face into pillow-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-looks at her and raises a brow- Yeh awrigh' there, Eliza? -chuckles-
12 years ago
-looks at drowsily, eyes half lidded and shifts closer towards him, muffles- 'm fiiiine...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-sits up and ruffles her hair gently before kissing the top of her head- Hehe. Ah'll get yeh some tea.
12 years ago
-blinks and lazily looks at- .... eeeh... b-but that's what I do... -giggles as she slowly sits up, huddled in the giant fluffy blanket-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-chuckles, playfully pins her back down to the bed- Ah can do ih t'day, yeah? Ah'll make m'self some coffee while m' at it. -grins-
12 years ago
-whines as she was pinned back onto the bed, but quickly reaches to tickle him playfully- Fiiiine~ but nothing more than that! -giggles-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-pff! -immediately rolls off her, flushing and holding in a laugh, he's just that ticklish- Aye, jus' rest up, awrigh'?
12 years ago
Right, kaaay~ -stuffs her face back onto the pillows and happily cuddles another pillow, all warmed up as she purrs happily-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-stands, going over to the far corner where his dress shirt was discarded, picks it up and slips it on before going to the counter, humming-
12 years ago
(( I hope he didn't pour brandy in by accident. /SHOTSHOT ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( wait is there a counter in the room or ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( his room has like a counter with a cubby and those little things for snacks sort of like a hotel room! ))
12 years ago
(( OH! wow that must be a huge room then djfhdsjfhskfh ))
12 years ago
-watches him from the bed quietly, mesmerized by his shape and-- I still like your hair, you know. -randomly blurts out and giggles-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-heats up some water, looks at her and laughs- Oh? Ain' ih pretty? -snickers as he takes a ribbon hanging from the cubby handle, ties his
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
hair up with it-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( Yeah I can imagine but it's everything on one floor so sdfhdfjdghgh ))
12 years ago
-laughs and nods- Like a cute little girl! -sticks her tongue out and smiles, buries her mouth in the pillows and watches him like a preying
12 years ago
little cub-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Pfff, damn m' a cute girl now. -winks at her then laughs, preparing the tea, then the coffee, adding some whiskey to his cup- D'ye take yers
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
with sugar, or? -raises a brow, bringing back her cup whilst drinking from his mug-
12 years ago
(( He really did.... ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( It's traditional Irish coffee >8U SHHH ))
12 years ago
mhmm, cute girl~ -giggles softly as she sits up still wrapped inside the blankets, looks at before letting out a sneeze- whoops... -wrinkles
12 years ago
nose, pouts then sniffs- ... I smell alcohol... Are you drinking everything with alcohol? -laughs-
12 years ago
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( Well there is a coffee where they add alcohol, and it is called an Irish coffee, his though is just fdfdghfh no effort to prepare XD ))
12 years ago
(( aksjhfjakfgdlfgh GAH ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Wull Ah don' drink m' water with alcohol. -snorts- An' sweets don' usually get th' alc'hol. Naw. Jus' m' coffee, prob'ly. -shrugs-
12 years ago
... riight~ -takes her cup and thanks him, sips quietly- Soo... any plans for today? -shifts closer to-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Hm. Wull m' pretty sure tha' t'day ah hafta get t' work on some political documen's. Ah've been evadin' work fer quite a while now.. -sighs-
12 years ago
Oh... -smiles at and kisses cheek- Need any help on them, then? -shrugs shoulders- I don't really have much to do, that's one thing...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Well, m' jus' havin' trouble sortin' them after readin' through 'em. So I guess yeh could help me there. -smiles, stealing a quick kiss-
12 years ago
-blushes at the sudden kiss, pinching his cheek as he pulled away- Yeah, I can do that, but don't try any fancy tricks on me! -laughs-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Owowowowow-- -sheepish grin- Awrigh' then. -downs his coffee, stands and places the cup on the table- Righ', jus' gonna shower.. Mm..
12 years ago
Okay! -quickly crawls back under covers and muffles- I'm just gonna be here~ -wiggles and purrs comfortably- Can I never get out of here?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-laughs- Comfy, ain' ih? -snickers, picking up her clothes still on the floor- Eliza, catch! -throws her dress and undergarments to the bed-
12 years ago
H-hey! -quickly grabs hold of them and goes bright red, hugging her clothes close to her body- And yes, it's very comfy~ now go take a bath
12 years ago
before I chase you to it~ -sticks tongue out-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Goin' goin'! -dashes off to the bathroom-
12 years ago
-hums and quickly slips into clothes and tiptoes out of the room, halfway to opening the door-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-goes back out to grab his towel, blinks when he sees her- So m' ah gonna see yeh later, Eliza?
12 years ago
-hics and stops halfway, turns red- Y-yeah, I guess so...? I want to bake something...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-smiles and nods- Awrigh' then. Ah'll jus' be here if yeh need me. Have fun bakin'! An' make sure t' share. -goes back into the bathroom-
12 years ago
Yes, yes~ -giggles as she walks out of the room, and soon after the smell of fresh cookies began to reach him-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-sitting on the bed, a towel around his waist, drying his hair with another towel, raises a brow at the smell- Heh.. Eliza.. -chuckles-
12 years ago
-knocks gently on the door with one hand carrying a tray with freshly baked chocolate cookies- Quinn?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-goes to the door and opens it only a bit- Hm? Ah, so tha' smell wus you! Uh, come in if yeh don' mind tha' m' in a towel? -laughs-
12 years ago
-blushes a little, shakes head- I-I don't mind... I need you to taste my chips, first~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Alrighty then! -opens the door and lets her in, making a quick grab for his clothes, then grabs a cookie before making a gesture for her to
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
wait, goes to the bathroom to at least put on some trousers- .... -goes out of the bathroom, making this really startled face- You. You made
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
12 years ago
-cheeks still red despite him being already in trousers, still not used to the sight of him topless- Y-yeah... Want to try some? -holds up-
12 years ago
-holds up the tray a little with a smile-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-slings the towel over his shoulder and takes one, takes a bite- ... Hey, these er good! Hm, wha's th' occasion?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-takes another cookie after finishing the first one-
12 years ago
-giggles softly, shrugging her shoulders- I was just in the mood to bake some for you... -smiles warmly at Quinn as she makes her way to
12 years ago
slide the rest of the window curtains open, letting warm sunlight to flood in the room- Sorry, I'm just so used to doing this... I used to
12 years ago
babysit a lot lately, you know.. -laughs softly-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Mm? Int'restin'. Ih's nice t' 'ave some good food 'round instead of m' shite cookin'. -throws his towel aside, slips into his dress shirt-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
.. 'Ey, Elizaveta, how's ih goin' with you an' Roderich? Is he givin' yeh trouble? -little guilty sigh-
12 years ago
-looks at and tilts head lightly- Eh? -shakes head- Not that I'm aware of... I just feel bad he couldn't pin point his feelings sometimes...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Mm, jus' makin' sure. -small nod, sits on the side of his bed, falls on his back and takes a deep breath- Ah don' wanna give yeh trouble heh
12 years ago
That's all right, no trouble at all~ -giggles softly, turns and watches silently before walking forward and sitting on the edge of his bed-
12 years ago
... looks like you're thinking of something...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Mm, ah wus thinkin'. -hums softly- Eliza, tell me more 'bout yerself.
12 years ago
-looks at with a raised eyebrow, the corner of her lip tugging into a smirk- What do you want to know, dear? -giggles-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah dunno... Things! Like uhm, hm.. things yeh like? -small shrug, buttoning up his shirt-
12 years ago
Oh! Um.. -shifts closer unconsciously- Hmm, let's see... I like goulash, baking, gardening, and... spending the past time with someone? -
12 years ago
-giggles softly, shrugging her shoulders- and I like children, that's for sure... what about you?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Oh uh. I like dress shirts an'. Animals... Ah eat a lot? Mm, 'bout 3 plates more than th' average person, m' brothers tell me..
12 years ago
-laughs- That's very cute. -grins at- You're like a big baby... and that's all right with me~ -smiles almost adorably at-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-PFFF! -laughs out- I am no' a baby! -smirks, playfully sits up to grab her by the waist and gently pulls her down to lay with him- C'mere!
12 years ago
-whines playfully- I don't wanna! and yes you are! -sticks tongue out and giggles childishly, reaching to poke his cheeks- You're a baaaaby.
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
So wha' does tha' make you, m' sitter? -grins, pokes her nose-
12 years ago
Hmm, if you call it that way... -purrs softly, eyelashes flutter and trails fingers across cheek- I'm good with feeding children with their
12 years ago
... uhm, daily needs... -giggles-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
... -raises a brow, little smirk along with a light flush on his face- Oh?..
12 years ago
mhmm... -purrs more, leans forward to nuzzle his cheek and whispers into his ear- Even it it means to the point of satisfying them....
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-shivers, biting his lip for a moment then chuckles softly- Tha' soun's a rather promisin'..
12 years ago
promising, hmm~? -nibbles playfully onto skin, breathing in his fresh scent- Do you want to be satisfied, Quinn dear...? -whispers-
12 years ago
(( omg what dsfkkfjh I'm seducing him ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( fdfdgdhfhg you're pretty good at it tho ))
TheAustria says
12 years ago
((unfortunatly forever alone ))
12 years ago
(( =u=;; /always good in seducing /SHOT __
12 years ago
12 years ago
(( omg keyboard do you hate my fingers that much ))
12 years ago
(( Aus you're really out of character with your Austria ;3; /scared me a little there ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( Pffff oh dear. ))
12 years ago
((no Im not he was a born fighter(that fails) nad Austria dosent stalk...he gets lost, keep going its soooooooooooo good))
12 years ago
(( ........ ))
12 years ago
(( that's not the Austria's stereotype that I know of. ))
12 years ago
((what do you mean? the fighting bit, getting lost bit or the OMFG smut bit?))
12 years ago
(( .... everything...? x'D ))
12 years ago
(( Austria according to Hetalia doesn't whine that much, doesn't fight much, and doesn't talk much. However he likes to call a lot of people
12 years ago
idiots and he doesn't get all sappy? D: ))
12 years ago
((sorry just finished reading a fanfic, in the manga Austria dose get lost on more then one occasion and in the anime he dosent whine (which
12 years ago
(((I will admit that I do do that he rants (like my mum)))
12 years ago
(( XD;; ..... /still quite uncomfortable with your version of Austria, sweetie ))
12 years ago
(Im sorry)
12 years ago
(( Learn to be more serious and at times, clueless hehe and that's okay ))
12 years ago
(( I'm asking if you could polish up more according to Hetalia's kind of Austria? Not more to the irl stereotypical Austrian kind... ))
12 years ago
((simple enough, pulls out hetalia okay Im going to watch this, give me 5 hours))
12 years ago
(( .... /ahahahah oh my god all right xDD good luck and have fun~ <3 ))
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