Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-put on his usual dress shirt and a jacket, looking a bit more casual than usual- Hrm, ah suppose this'll do. -sighs, admittedly nervous-
latest #199
12 years ago
-calls from below- Quinn, you ready? -giggles, always the early bird-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah, yeah! Comin'! -dashes out the door, quickly taking a flower from the vase in his room, goes up to her and fixes it into her hair- Ready!
12 years ago
Wh- -blushes brightly and quickly looks down, the flower being fixed to her hair compliments her appearance greatly- Y-you didn't have to do
12 years ago
that... -giggles softly, looks at- And you can dress well, too~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah do t'morrow bes' on special occasions. -chuckles- Yeh look beautiful. -smiles softly-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( FFFF T'MORROW I meant my** phone stop makin things up ))
12 years ago
-giggles, tilts head lightly and reaches to straighten his collar- Thank you, kind sir... but must I remind you that we're only spending
12 years ago
the day mostly on ice cream~? -giggles more-
12 years ago
(( XD <3 ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-grins- Ah wan'ed t' make a good impression, but yeh beat me to ih. -offers his arm- So shall we?
12 years ago
-nods with a soft laugh, loops her arms around his as they walked out of the door- This would be much more necessary if we decide to
12 years ago
spend the day in the park, as well~ -looks at with a soft smile- You're tall. -pouts-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
If yeh fancy ih, we can go t' th' park! Ah'd enjoy tha' too. -laughs- Mm, am I really tha' tall?
12 years ago
-giggles- sounds lovely! And - -stops to try to tiptoe, lips pursing as she tries her best- S-See, you're really tall! I can't even kiss you
12 years ago
without being picked up or something... -laughs jokingly-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
.. -flushes, smiling lightly, bending down for her- There, tha' bett'r?
12 years ago
-breath hitches and freezes as he bends forward, quickly looks down with her face flushing as well- Y.. yes..? -laughs softly as she pushes
12 years ago
him back from bending forward with her hands on his shoulders and stutters- W-we should probably find an open ice cream parlor at this
12 years ago
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-snorts, holding in a laugh, finding her simply adourable- Aawrighty then! S'tha' one ov'r there?
12 years ago
-purses her lips, still very much embarrassed by the whole thing and nods- Yeah, that looks nice! -drag Quinn towards the parlor happily-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-lets himself be dragged along- Whoa!
12 years ago
-giggles, walks to the glass display and eyes brighten at the sight of so may colourful ice cream flavours- Waaaah, I want that... and that
12 years ago
too! -points and taps finger on the glass, turns to look at- What would you like?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Hm ah'll take th' strawberry an' choc'late swirl. M' two favourites in one, brilliant! -grins- S'my treat t'day, awrigh'?
12 years ago
-looks at with a giggle, tilts head with a grin- Oh my, what a gentleman~ I'll have strawberry and vanilla, then!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Hey, yeh're still an equal. Maybe if we go out again, yeh pay. -soft snicker, handing the money as the man hands Eliza the ice cream-
12 years ago
Oh pffft, all right, we have a deal! -laughs, taking her ice cream as they walked towards the park- You should tell me more about yourself,
12 years ago
though! -looks at him with a smile as she licks her ice cream- and thank you for paying~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
No problem! Hm. Wha's there t' know 'bout me? Hum... Ah'm 25, human years.. Ah like sweets! Ah use t' be a farmer.. Hrm..
12 years ago
-blinks, her mouth forming into an o shape- well I'm 25 in human years, as well... I started counting my age from the 3rd republic! -hums,
12 years ago
watches her feet as she walked forward- Sweets are lovely! and a farmer.. -looks at- It's a no wonder your hair is fire red, you're used to
12 years ago
being under the sun for too long! -laughs jokingly-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-smirks an ruffles her hair- Oh ih's so obvious now. -laughs- Ah'm a milit'ry captain now, though.
12 years ago
H-hey! -laughs, gently swats hand away as she purses her lips- Woah, that's really cool... So what do you do, as a military captain~? -licks
12 years ago
her ice cream when she noticed it was beginning to melt- It must be so fun... I mean, I've participated in wars before, so~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-takes a bit of his own ice cream- Hm, wull ah train soldiers. Ah don' fight 'nless ah hafta, though ah'm infamous fer gettin' inta fights..
12 years ago
-laughs- as expected, being a brother of the manly Scotland... -smiles at- But you're a good man, I have heard.
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-flushes lightly- Eheh. Thank yeh, ah don' get tha' a lot. Ev'ryone assumes tha' m' nothin' but an angry drunk all th' time. Tha's Sco'lan'!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-laughs- Mm but Ah do m' bes'. -small smile-
12 years ago
-giggles, grabs hold of arm and pulls down- You are such a gentleman, as well! -kisses cheek and smiles- You should show the world more of
12 years ago
this side of you~
12 years ago
(( aaah sorry was eating ouo ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-blushes, smiles- Then yeh wouldn' know if ah wus bein' sincere er not. -kisses her cheek in return- Hehehe.
12 years ago
-shrugs her shoulders- I can already sense you'd much better with this side of yours.~ -giggles and rubs cheek- I feel like a five year old,
12 years ago
now... -finds a seat near the lake in the park and sits on it with him-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ih's sorta like this shield, though! Keeps users 'way if they know m' gonna beat them t' a pulp. Wull, s'far as they know. -small smile
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
, absently bites his ice cream, eyes looking a bit lonely for a moment-
12 years ago
-looks at quietly, licking her ice cream as well as she observes him- ... You don't really have much friends because of that, do you?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-small chuckle- At leas' ah hav m' brothers, yeah?
12 years ago
-shrugs- Yeah.. but they won't do much if you fight a lot with them, you know. -purses lips- Don't you like having more friends?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah.. didn' 'ave much of 'nyone growin' up. There wus th' occasional visit from Sco'lan', but ih felt like business. I do wish ah had some..
12 years ago
... -bites lower lip, slowly reaches hand and places hers on top of his- It's okay. I'm here, I'm your friend, so you can tell me anything
12 years ago
you'd like... -smiles warmly at-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-looks at her, suprised, then smiles- Thanks Eliza. Hehe. Wull m' pretty used t' bein alone so havin' frien's is a real treat fer me.-grins-
12 years ago
-her voice slowly lowers as she looks away with her cheeks blushing red- W-well I'm sure your friends would like being around you, as well -
12 years ago
since I like being around you, and all... -smile sheepishly, her hand beginning to shake a little from embarrassment and nervousness-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Eliza yeh're a very intriguin' woman, yeh know? -slowly moves his hand until he's holding hers- Tell me 'bout yerself now! -smiles-
12 years ago
I-I'm not! -turns bright red and flusters- W-well, there's not much of me that you need to k-know! -laughs sheepishly- I'm... err, a bit
12 years ago
lonely, as well...? Ever since Roderich divorced me, things hasn't been so easy... but oh well~ -smiles softly at- And I love flowers!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Lonely souls, heh. Yeh've been married b'fore? Int'restin'! Ah think th' closes' ah've ev'r gott'n t' marriage wus with a human... So many
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
years ago, jus' b'fore th' second war.
12 years ago
-laughs softly- Of course... it was originally for the sake of the Austrio-Hungarian union, but things got much more romantic than that, I
12 years ago
guess... until bad things happened and we had to divorce. -smiles sheepishly and shrugs shoulders, turns to look at- Wow, so you have fallen
12 years ago
in love with a human before, eh? -giggles- Although you do know it's a bad idea to spend your life with a human, you know that right...?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-little smile- Fallin' fer 'im in th' firs' place wus a bad idea in totality! -chuckles- Ah jus' wan'ed t' be with 'im, no matter th'
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
countdown of age. But he died in th' war. They sent back 'is dogtags an' an engagement ring. -small sigh-
12 years ago
H- oh -laughs- Wow, that's interesting... and I-I'm really sorry for your loss... -looks at with pity and grips his hand tighter- At least
12 years ago
he was very happy when he was with you, and you learned to love someone, as well...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Indeed. -shrugs- Ih's done an' done, aye? Same t' you. -chuckles- Yeh wanna see a magic trick, Eliza? -little childish smile-
12 years ago
-nods- y-yeah... -looks at with a curious look, nods- S-sure! Didn't know you can do magic tricks... -giggles-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-little smirk, lifting up a finger then brushing her hair behind her ear, leaning in close, he crumples the flower in her hair, but when he
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
lets go, it's changed into a rose-
12 years ago
... -blinks at with her eyes widening and gasped softly, reaching to touch the rose in disbelief- H-How did you... How did you do that!?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-grins- A magician doesn' usually tell 'is secrets, yeah? -chuckles softly- Arthur says he does all th' magic. Mine's jus' prettier heh..
12 years ago
-laughs softly- Both of you are indeed, very charming and talented, if I could say so myself! -looks at, grins- and I have a magic trick for
12 years ago
you, too! Just close your eyes~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-blinks and tilts his head in curiosity- Magic trick? -does as she says and closes his eyes-
12 years ago
-giggles and reaches forward, kisses the edge of his lips and licks the ice cream stain that he never noticed- See? It's gone now! -laughs-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-opens his eyes in surprise, face going near sanguine, caught off guard- A-ah. -stumbles over words, making incoherent noises- E-Eliza! -
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
laughs, feeling a bit silly at losing his composure-
12 years ago
-laughs softly at, her hands on her lap as she watches him with the widest grin- Ooooh, someone's blushing! -giggles- I thought you're used
12 years ago
to that! -taps her finger on his lower lip- And it's my personal magic 'trick'~ -winks at-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-nervous little laugh- Do I look like th' type used t' tha'? Jus' another image ah put up. Ah don' act very smooth when ih comes down to ih.
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Impressive magic trick, by th' way. -snickers-
12 years ago
-giggles softly, covers her lips with her hand- It was an amusing one, too~ I got to see how adorable you are~!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ehehe.. -scratches the back of his head- M' jus' a clumsy fool on th' actual dates hah. -lifts her hand to kiss it gently- but Ah guess
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
bein' m'self is a start, yeah?
12 years ago
-looks at with a small blush across her face and smiles warmly, reaches to kiss his forehead- You don't have to be such a gentleman around
12 years ago
me all the time, you know... even our dates. I don't mind. -grins- Besides, I'd love a fight or two! Winning against Prussia so often is
12 years ago
quite an understatement to me, haha!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Aw don' worry, m' jus' bein' appropriate t'day hah. Ah still get in a lot of fights. Trus' me, I can' last a week without a fight. Yeh can
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
also visit me in th' milit'ry base! Ih's always pretty excitin' there. -small smile at the kiss-
12 years ago
(( kajhdjfk /didn't see the reply aaah omg what ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( FFF it's fine!!!! 'w' ))
12 years ago
Oh! That sounds really cool, I'll be sure to visit sometime~ -smiles at, finishing her ice cream- So what would you like to do after this~?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Hm, ah don' know. There's a pub 'round an' there's a few places we can check out. Home s' pretty fine too! I don' have preferences righ' now
12 years ago
O-oh, a pub? -laughs- So you want to get drunk? -has a thinking look on her face, before shrugging- Sounds fun~!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Wull ah don' need t' visit a pub an' get drunk but if yeh're up t' th' initiation of ev'ry outin' ah have an' tha's t' out-drink me. -smirk-
12 years ago
-grins at, leans forward and purrs- Are you actually challenging me~? -grins more and stands up, tugs him to stand
12 years ago
up as well- Bring it on! I'm always up to challenges! -excited squeal-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ih's indeed a challenge, lassie. -grins and grips her hand tight, taking her to the nearest pub-
12 years ago
-follows behind and laughs- This is going to be so much fun~ -follows as he enters the pub-
12 years ago
(( omg and Eliza gets really drop dead drunk and starts molesting him. /gobblegobble ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-grins and nods- Aye! Jus' make sure t' hold yer liquor, luv. -snickers as they grab seats near the counter, he orders two shot glasses-
12 years ago
I will, you'll see! -grabs hold of her glass and downs hers quickly, almost a sour look on her face- ... Ha! Bartender, another!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-drinks his quickly, his glass automatically refilled as he is one of their best customers- Hehe, yeh bet I will!
12 years ago
-narrows eyes at Quinn and grins, downing her second with gulps- Naw, I'm going to win this bet and you know it! -refills her glass-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
We'll see 'bout tha'. -smirks, competitive glare-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
~many drinks later~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( shhh time skips ))
12 years ago
(( kay! ))
12 years ago
-halfway through her fourteenth glass, giggling uncontrollably- Aaaaanother! -threw her glass to some window that shattered with screaming
12 years ago
customers- Haaaaahahaha, another another! -hics, face flushed red-
12 years ago
(( okay tbh Idk how drunk people really act because I don't drink xD hahaha ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-snorts, bursts out laughing with how she let go of her glass- Dia! K.. ep. Keep yuhself down lass! Haha!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-drinks his own glass empty, then slides it to the bartender- Noh more th' lass 's seein' stars.... -laughs drunkenly
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
one hand on her knee, the other on the counter to keep balance-
12 years ago
Haaaah, down? Wh- why would I wuna be daaaawn~ -looks at groggily, laughing almost childishly- Bartender,
12 years ago
I need anoth - an - -falls off her chair onto the floor, giggling uncontrollably with her face deep red-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Whoa! -was holding on to her and falls over her, making sure catch himself, still somewhat conscious whilst drunk- Yuh'okay?... -small hic-
12 years ago
m' ... All right, I think...? -giggles, stares at Quinn's face before slapping her hands onto his cheeks and pulls him down into a kiss-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-eyes widen and he instinctively kisses back, wrapping his arms around her waist-
12 years ago
-kisses him almost rougly as she combs her fingers in his hair and nibbled on his lower lip, absolutely drunk-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-lifts her up and presses her against the wall, his kiss just as rough, a little growly sound coming from his throat-
12 years ago
-doesn't even bother by the fact that the bartender snorted at their action as soft mewls escaped her throat, almost running
12 years ago
out of air with her mouth being dominated by his tongue, gripping tightly onto his sleeves-
12 years ago
(( woooo makeout session BD /shot ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( XD Indeed B3 ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-pulls back to bite and kiss down her neck, somehow managing to move them to the room in the pub, the bartender closing the door behind them
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
, he continues to press her against the wall, hands wandering-
12 years ago
-shudders and quickly pushes him away, her face flushed- H-Hey! W-we shouldn't do this... He-here... -stutters uncontrollably and gasps-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-panting, eyes dark with lust, decides to slow down and kiss up her jaw- Yeh sure you don' wan' this? Th' soun's yeh make beg t' differ...
12 years ago
I- c-course but- nnh... -bites on lower lip, holds back her noises as she shudders with the kisses-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Jus' tell me "No". Ah'll stop. -whispers into her ear- Jus' say th' word an' ah will...
12 years ago
-trembles, grips tightly onto his sleeves and avoids his gaze, stubbornly remains quiet- ...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
... -moves away and looks at her, flushed cheeks and all, giving a lopsided smile- Heh.. M' bein' forceful again.. -lifts her like a bride
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
and carries her to the bed there in the room, gently sets her down and sits on the edge- Ah'll only do things if yeh consciously wan' ih.Heh
12 years ago
(( what the hell there's even a room with a bed in a pub?! XD ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
((THERE ARE THINGS LIKE THIS THOUGH. Pubs with rooms because they know things like this happen wheeze ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
((only in the uk and ireland fdhjfghjh. ))
12 years ago
(( F-FFFFFFF-- wow awesome though- ))
12 years ago
(Of course there is!)
12 years ago
(Drinking is such a huge past time in the UK and Ireland that we need those rooms. XD)
12 years ago
-blushes deep red as he gently sets her on the bed, patting his cheek lightly- How do you expect me to be
12 years ago
conscious when I'm roaring drunk, you idiot... -giggles softly-
12 years ago
(( and that's kind of scary. D: /country has no pubs at all so we don't know much sob ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( yes they often just sleep in pubs it's like a motel/pub <XD ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-laughs and grins at her- Then we ought t' not do 'nythin' tha' would cause regrets, aye? -runs his fingers through his hair, sighs-
12 years ago
-sits up and looks at with her lips pursed, looks away- s-sorry.... We can do this w-when I'm sober? -emits a bubbly laugh- I don't want it
12 years ago
t-to be a one night stand... -sniffles, reaches and holds hand, kisses cheek-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-small smile and nods- Ah know, s'why ah stopped. -brushes her hair behind her ear, smiles gently- Ah can take yeh home now. M' sober 'nuff.
12 years ago
... Quinn... -purrs into hand and closes her eyes momentarily at the warmth she could feel, and opens her eyes back as she
12 years ago
watched him, before reaching to kiss him again, this time slower and much softer-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-returns the kiss, being rather gentle, but obviously holding back- Careful there, m' still a bit worked up 'bout tha' li'l momen' we had..
12 years ago
-pulls away to tilt her head lightly, blinks- worked up...? What do you mean? -cups his cheek-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Erm. -flushes and shakes his head- Yeh jus' go' me a bit excited there, Eliza. Eheh. Yeh don' need t' get ih. Le's jus' get you home, yeah?
12 years ago
-nods, shakily stands up and wobbles towards him, laughing softly- H-heh, you win, I really can't hold in my liquor... -looks up at- c-can
12 years ago
we continue once we get back home.....? -stares at with the cuuuutest puppy eyes, demanding more kisses-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-carries her on his back and laughs softly- Alrigh', alrigh', we can since yeh asked so nicely.
12 years ago
-giggles and piggybacks, happily wrapping her arms around his shoulders as she carried her out- nn, you're so adorable, Quinny...
12 years ago
(( sdljhfkfhk we can continue through private? BD ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-flushes, chuckles- Ah don' try t' be, thank yeh... Same t' you though, bein' so silly..
12 years ago
-pouts- Sorry for being silly, then... -kicks legs a little and giggles playfully, nuzzling into his hair- I really like your hair~
TheAustria says
12 years ago
Lizzy? :'-(
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Aw? I like ih an' all, but ah really do hafta cut ih. Ih's gettin' a bit long. -chuckles- Ah, home ain' so far luckily so.. sit tight!
TheAustria says
12 years ago
12 years ago
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
TheAustria says
12 years ago
Lizzy....:-( *forever alone)
12 years ago
-giggles- Well, I like your hair that way so it's-- -freezes halfway and looks at, eyes widening in shock and clings tightly to Quinn-
TheAustria says
12 years ago
(MANS UP ((a bit))) Vhat are you doing! Put her down! I vill not tolerate such behaviour vith her!
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah... -lets her down- Mm.. Roderich! Uh. -looks at her and gives a little lopsided smile, then at him- S'rry fer 'manhandlin' her. -nods and
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
goes off to his room, glancing at her before closing the door behind him-
12 years ago
-turns to look frantically at Quinn- W-wait, hey- -stops halfway when he closes the door, doesn't dare to face Roderich- ... -grips the hem
12 years ago
of her dress quietly-
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-grabs door handle- GOTT VERDANMITT DU DUMBKOFT!
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-pushes Ireland off her-
12 years ago
R-Roderich! Stop that! -grabs hold of arm and pulls him away- He's just helping me! Stop that!
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-stops- vhat? helping you!? he looked like e vas about to rape you!
12 years ago
He wasn't, you idiot! He was just helping carry me home, I couldn't walk earlier! -glares at, eyes welling up with tears-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-pushed back, stares at him- Wha'. D'ye wanna make this a fight. B'cause ah won' hesitate t' punch th livin' lights outta yeh.
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-gasp!- I, I dont I'm........tut min lied...to both of you, I acted out of character, like a monster
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-cracks his knuckles, stands evidently over him, showing obvious height difference-
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-backs off abit- now Ireland Im very sorry.....please dont hurt me
TheAustria says
12 years ago
we dont have to do this
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-glares at him and grabs him by the collar- Yeh have no right t' start a fight with me, got tha' yeh Austrian? -lets go of him and goes
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
back into his room-
12 years ago
-quickly hides behind Quinn, burying her face behind his back quietly and grips onto his shirt-
TheAustria says
12 years ago
tut min lied -walks out of room, until he was sure to start letting his tears fall-
12 years ago
-quietly follows Quinn-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-takes a deep breath, walks to his balcony and stares out- Hey Eliza, yeh sure he's righ'ly ov'r you? -small, slightly strained, chuckle-
12 years ago
-stands next to the door with a sullen expression, scratching her arm sheepishly- I-I don't know... I didn't know he was going to get that
12 years ago
angry over me being around you...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-shakes his head, soft sigh- ... Yeh sure yeh wanna do this? M' admittedly findin' m'self wantin' t' know so much more about yeh, but how
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
'bout you?
TheAustria says
12 years ago
-walks through forest, sniffle- vhere am I? -looks at the sky- maybe it is over? nien I dont vant it to be...
TheAustria says
12 years ago
I need to tell her! I must tell her! und if I dont, vhat vill happen!? -walks back towards house-
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