Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Blaaaasted sunlight got through th' curtains -groans- M' certainly up now. -yawns-
latest #28
12 years ago
-giggles, peeks from door- Good morning, Quinn. -smiles at- Would you like some tea?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-Pfff -smiles- Oh, mornin' Eliza. -stretches- Mm sure! Make one fer yerself, ah wanna 'ave tea with yeh.
12 years ago
Ah, all right... -quickly disappears into kitchen to make some and comes back with a tray of tea for two and some cake- I hope you had a
12 years ago
good rest, Quinn? -smiles, sets the tray on one of the tables-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
M' rests er nv'r too good, but good 'nuff 't keep a man awake th' next morning. -runs his fingers through his messy hair, trying to fix it-
12 years ago
-laughs softly, nods as she pours for him some tea- Well, as long as you'll be fine through the whole d- oh, let me help with
12 years ago
that... -reaches and straightens hair out of instinct-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-blinks then flushes- Ah... Thanks Eheh. -small embarrassed smile-
12 years ago
-nods and smiles softly- No problem.~ -hands over his cup of tea and sips on hers-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-gingerly takes his and sips- Ah suppose you had a good sleep?
12 years ago
... A bit..? -shrugs her shoulders- I suppose Roderich gave me a long list of chores to finish...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-raises an eyebrow- Aw? Maybe yeh should ask fer m' help next time, yeh can get ih done faster than' way, yeah?
12 years ago
-laughs, shakes head and fiddles with fingers- Hey, it's my work, after all... I don't mind, I'd just like some cup of tea once in a while~
12 years ago
-sits on the edge of the bed and smiles at- It's a lovely day today, too~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-glances at the window- Hm. Ah suppose it is. -looks at her, then smiles- Ah suppose ah should get ready fer tha' date, aye? -small chuckle-
12 years ago
... o-oh, the date... -blushes lightly and laughs a little- If you'd wish to... I'll get ready as well, hmm? -stands up and straightens
12 years ago
her dress, walks towards the door- And be sure not to mock Arthur if you meet him anywhere halfway, the poor man's already so depressed...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-pfff, Ah'll do m' bes', dear. -slips out of bed and stretches- An' Ah'll get ready s'well.
12 years ago
-giggles, looks at and smiles warmly- I'll look forward to the date. -walks out and closes door behind her, quickly walks towards her room
12 years ago
with her face bright red-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-laughs to himself as he watched her leave the room- Hah, so cute.. -walks to the bathroom to freshen up-
12 years ago
(( are we going to continue this in a new post? orrrr ))
12 years ago
-after taking a nice shower, she then prepares and straightens her white simple sundress and her pearl necklace, a smile on her face- That
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( LOL UHM hm yeah sure sounds good! Do you start or do I? ))
12 years ago
should do... -puts on her lipstick and sighs, hoping she'd do a good job as she waits downstairs-
12 years ago
(( akhfdksfhkdgh XDDD okay you start? /still not used to your kind of rp~ ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( LOL SORRY FOR THE CULTURE SHOCK. Yes alrighty I'll start a new one! ))
12 years ago
(( Hehehe yaaay~ <3 ))
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