Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Aye gonna rest this bloody bus s' givin' me a headache an' phones er too small
latest #48
Erzebet says
12 years ago
B-bloody bus...? -looks at with horror-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
FFFFF Ih's a term, dear. "Bloody" bein' akin t' "Damned" haha! snickers
Erzebet says
12 years ago
... O-Oh! I see! -nods, will remember that-
Erzebet says
12 years ago
What's the matter, though? Your accent is terribly thick ...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Oh tha's jus'... Who I am ah guess. Bein' raised by Sco'lan' does tha'
Erzebet says
12 years ago
-giggles- Not to worry, I find it very adorable ~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Oh tha's jus'... Who I am ah guess. Bein' raised by Sco'lan' does tha'. Ireland, at yer service!
Erzebet says
12 years ago
-curtsies- Pleased to meet you, charming Ireland~ -smiles at-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Erzebet says
12 years ago
(( xDD that's all right! you can always delete the previous post with the 'x' button at the edge of your post! ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Oh charming haha I like tha'! Call me Quinn though miss....? smiles and takes her hand to kiss it
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( I'll fix it up after I get on my computer haha thanks '//w//' JEEZ BUS STOP MOVING fdfhsafg ))
12 years ago
Arthur says
12 years ago
12 years ago
... -blushes lightly at the kiss and nods softly- Y-yes, Quinn it is, then...
12 years ago
(( am I the only one that imagines Ireland going up and down on the bumpy bus ride in anger ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( nope that's me right now RAEGING IRISHMAN hey my name is Ian nice to meet you I'm a raging Irishman in Asia for a while ahahahaha ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-chuckles lightly- Yer name lassie? Ah' love t' address yeh properly!
12 years ago
12 years ago
A-Ah, how rude of me! -smiles at- I'm Hungary, but you can call me Eliza! -giggles-
12 years ago
You have... such red hair... -blinks, amazed-
12 years ago
(Ooohhh~? You guys are Asian as well? :3 )
12 years ago
(( aye~ I'm from Brunei! ouo ))
12 years ago
(( w-what? ;A; /pure Azn gomenasai ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Eliza, eh? Righ' then! M' sure we will get along jus' fine. Yeh can come ov'r fer tea some time too! B'cause I ain't all alc'hol -laughs-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-pFFFF -snorts- aye ih's on fire ain't ih. Wanna touch ih, mos' people do. -grins-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( Philippines aaaaaaaa oops ))
12 years ago
-perks up- R-really? I can? Oh, that's- well... -hesitantly reaches and touches one of the hair locks- ... wow, it's really fire-like...
12 years ago
(Philippines~? owo You live here also?)
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Don' burn yer hands, luv. -snickers- But aye, tis int'restin', mm?
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( o0o yeah! ))
12 years ago
( ;w; Omg where?)
12 years ago
-nods with interest, pulls away hand- It is, it is!... A-Although Arthur doesn't really have the same hair as yours...
12 years ago
(My hair is obviously better. >:U )
12 years ago
(( D8 WHAAT /sob no bruneians around whyyyy ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
(( FFFF obviously >:U BEST HAIR ))
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Arthur didn' get th' Hibernia gene. -shrugs- in fact, m' pretty one of a kind t' actually almos' look JUS' like mum.
12 years ago
-tilts head a little with interest- Wow, that's really something interesting to know... -giggles- Unlike us, boring brown hair...
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Naw way brunettes er beautiful m'dear! -smiles and runs his fingers through her hair- Beautiful!
12 years ago
-turns bright red, quickly steps back away a little and stutters- I- w-well thank you, kind sir but I... gosh do you always talk to
12 years ago
w-women like this? -flusters-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
-laughs and winks at her- Only women who catch m' eye sure get a lot of attention. -soft smile-
12 years ago
....... -puffs cheeks and quickly turns around, walks away with face bright red-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
P-pff! Did ah say somethin' insultin' ah didn' mean t' if so, Eliza!
12 years ago
N-no, you didn't! Just- -stops and looks at, face flushed red- You're such a gentleman, that is all... -laughs-
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Haha, wull thank yeh. -smiles at her, sighing in relief- Ah wouldn' want t' insult a new friend, yeah? -flushes slightly- Hehe ah do m' bes'
12 years ago
-giggles, quickly reaches and kisses cheek- You're nowhere near insulting me, sweetie... Just caught me so spontaneously, that is all.~
Quinn McKinley
12 years ago
Ah... -flushes a bit darker- Eheh... We'll... Get along jus' fine, Eliza! -grins-
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