彷彿身體裡的力氣全部被抽離了一樣 我連轉頭也沒有辦法 任憑眼淚流進枕頭 想伸手擦乾卻發現怎麼擦也擦不乾 這種感覺好痛苦 張大了嘴卻呼吸不到空氣 只剩下哽咽聲迴盪在房間裡
latest #7
hey girl....whats up? why sounds so terrible? (very worried about you.....)
babes, just saw ur responses. i'm fine now, an uncle treated me like his own daughter passed away last monday. My dad was afraid i cant
handle that so didnt tell me til last thusday. i cried from 10pm to 4am, couldnt stop. its just so unfair.
all i can do is just keep myself busy and try not to think abt it, otherwise i'll be stuck in the emotion and depressed again.
its hard, but the feeling is terrible. feels like everything stop working, feels like everyone who closed to me always leave me.
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