derekseigerson says
12 years ago I really want this.
latest #64
Ali says
12 years ago
I need this because of reasons
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
IKR!!!!! I want this so badly rn! And a Starbucks ..... anytihng.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
omfg it's been like two weeks since my last starbucks :'-(
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
We still have the Jogan cups to prove it.
Ali says
12 years ago
I'm not going to ask..... :L Ugh...I had Costa nearly a week ago COFFEE WITHDRAWL
julianlarson says
12 years ago
XD just starbucks cups with the names Julian and Logan on them :-P
Ali says
12 years ago
xDDDD I love it xD
Ali says
12 years ago
How many 'Kurt and Blaines' do you think they've gotten since last year? xD
julianlarson says
12 years ago
omg. Too many. lol
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
More than they will ever care to admit. lol
Ali says
12 years ago
:L Probably xD
Willow says
12 years ago
yes because kurt and I are always there :-)
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Well julianlarson, Lo and I are always there. It's like church. for Stuarts. The gospel according to grande lattes.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: The Church of Latte Day Starbucks is the only church I like.
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Our communion in marshmallow dream bars.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
omg why is there no Starbucks within walking distance I FUCKING NEED ONE KIJHUGSDGR
Willow says
12 years ago
your a stuart right go to your freakin 7 coffee machines in you kitchen
julianlarson says
12 years ago
......Touche, sir.
Willow says
12 years ago
mmmm :/
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson!!!! Can you go to the stuart cafeteria and get me a coffee? PLEEEEEEEASE? I love you... :-D
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson larson. .....fine Diva. Princess much? :-P
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: You love me. ;-)
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson Of course I do. You're my JuJube. <3
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: And you're my Dork. <3
Willow says
12 years ago
oooohhhh flirting im telling Logan
julianlarson says
12 years ago
tweedlekisses: Just besties. :-)
Willow says
12 years ago
oh yay a bromance like wevid
Willow says
12 years ago
what shall your bromance name be
julianlarson says
12 years ago
tweedlekisses: Jerek. :-P
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Willow says
12 years ago
i now pronounce you jerek you may manly hug your fellow bro
12 years ago
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson glomp
Willow says
12 years ago
12 years ago
derekseigerson tackle!glomp
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson *tackle!glomp!tickle!*
julianlarson says
12 years ago
Willow says
12 years ago
I think I
Willow says
12 years ago
ll go find kurt
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
XD I'll tickle you till you pee!!!!!
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson TO BAD! blows raspberry
Willow says
12 years ago
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
tweedlekisses lol a raspberry. Blowing on someones belly lol
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: Stop ittttttttttttt
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson. I will not.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: You're mean.
So........ what's for dinner tonight :-D
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Well, while you finish filming your scenes, I'm going shopping. I have decided to make schnitzel. With fried potatoes and veggies.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: ;ljkihugytfrdeswaq I love you.
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson I love you too. what do you want for dessert?
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: Can has brownies?
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
julianlarson Yes. I'll make fudge brownies with icing.
julianlarson says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: Mmmmmmmmmmm me gusta.
Willow says
12 years ago
derekseigerson: i know what a rasberry is
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Blaine wasn't sure lol :-P
Willow says
12 years ago
no you two just tured really ackwards all lol
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Blaine Okay .... lol How?
Willow says
12 years ago
Willow says
12 years ago
but in a funny ackward way
Willow says
12 years ago
if that makes seance
julianlarson says
12 years ago
we're just besties lol
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
Exactly lol
Willow says
12 years ago
you two are awesome
derekseigerson says
12 years ago
tweedlekisses Thanks!!!! <3
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