LoriB says
13 years ago
I WAS going to go to ISTE in San Diego but just found out that my DS & DDIL are expecting a baby due just then. Canceling my reservation!
latest #6
LoriB says
13 years ago
can't be on the opposite coast when this baby arrives. They are the ones who had 2 miscarriages last year! This is a precious baby!
LoriB says
13 years ago
She's 16.5 weeks now and everything is normal and healthy! I'm keeping them in my prayers that all continues this well!
lfeld52 says
13 years ago
we will miss you Lori!
joebjr says
13 years ago
can't think of a better reason to skip ISTE! (dance)
13 years ago
How exciting! I hope all continues to go well for them.
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