her writing skill is dope, helped me wrote a compo for miss rani on short notice and got 24/30.
but her maths and science sucks, and shes worried she'll fail her sciences and end up no where because even poly requires a science in l1r4
thus if she cant even go poly, her future=screw. our education system=flawed
*edit, not flawed, screwed
why can't you just concentrate on something you're good at instead of being "all rounded"
exactly, most of the stuff thats fun to do and concurs with you talents doesnt pay at all
sad truth of the world
wish gaming or web surfing paid
Ooh you're back on Plurk!
Ok anyway here's a theory that I have. It's obvious that Sg's education system is structured to groom the young ones into economy-generating
machines. But at the same time, with the way of calculating L1R4/5, they are trying to say "Hey we're being fair and all-rounded too".
Honestly, the best example of being all-rounded is liberal arts colleges. Not Sg's education system. So we're kind of stuck somewhere
awkward and self-defeating.
yeah I mean sure do that for primary school and maybe lower sec but don't do it for O and A Levels lah
lol her result is exactly as we expected, Eng A1 Chi A1 H.Chi A1 E.Lit A1 C.Hum A1, awesome right?....Maths C5 Chem D6 Phy C6.
i really dont see how this l1r5 and l1r4 system doesnt classify her as "elite" c'mon shes VERY good at what shes good at.
thankfully she can get into the course she wants, cus it doesnt have to include a math or science, Mass Comm i think
wah wtf by right she should be able to get into a lit course in JC or something lor
woah!!! Her language is really SUPER good.