Princess Fussy is
12 years ago
reading an amazing book written from the point of view of a boy with Aspergers. The curious incident of the dog in the night time.
latest #9
Princess Fussy
12 years ago
Read it if you havent already!!
ϻѻɲқεγ has
12 years ago
it on her massive to-read list. :-P
Princess Fussy
12 years ago
Put it to the top! :-)
12 years ago
doesn't have a top! (LOL) I read mostly from the library these days, since it has an annual fee (something I'm not used to, in the US they
12 years ago
are free for all to use, only money is due to late fees!), and figure since their English selection isn't huge like a library where that's
12 years ago
actually a spoken language would be, that I'd try to read as much from it that interests me as I could, so as to make the most of paying :-P
Princess Fussy
12 years ago
oooh libraries that charge should be banned, They are free in the UK too and yeah I borrow from there a lot too when I want non kindle book
ϻѻɲқεγ says
12 years ago
It's not a huge price, but it just bugs me since I'm used to that, and the taxes here are so high it seems absurd! But I suppose so much
12 years ago
else is free/so low that they feel the need to have to pay for the library. And it is very nice and high tech... haha
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